December 10, 2022: Large Bookstores in Central Tokyo (都心の大型書店)
I am shocked by the news that two major bookstores in central Tokyo will close soon. Among them is the MARUZEN & JUNKUDO bookstore in Shibuya, which will close on January 31, 2023. It is in the Tokyu Department Store. It has to do so since the Department Store shuts down. The other is the Yurindo bookstore in Akihabara, which will shut down on January 9, 2023. It is a great pity that those large bookstores will exit soon. I am also concerned that such shutdowns will follow. In particular, I am afraid that the Sanseido bookstore will shut down in Ikebukuro. It is now in the Seibu Department Store, which is to be replaced by the Yodobashi Camera Store. If so, it could be required to leave.
I know the bookstores had no choice but to close in central Tokyo since they lost their businesses. But it is a big problem for me. When I visit central Tokyo, I always stop at a large bookstore and buy at least a book. Large bookstores are like showrooms of books and let me enjoy finding books I have never seen or of which I have heard.
I cannot imagine a commercial and business district with no large bookstore in central Tokyo.
このところ、都心の大きな書店が相次いで閉店を発表しています。渋谷の東急百貨店のMARUZEN&ジュンク堂書店 渋谷店が来年の1月31日に閉店される。そして、秋葉原のヨドバシAKIBA店の有隣堂も来年の1月9日に閉店される。寂しい限りです。この調子では、都心の大きな書店の閉店が相次ぐのではと心配です。特に、池袋の西武百貨店の三省堂書店が気になります。同百貨店は売却され、ヨドバシが運営するという話もあるので、書店は閉店される可能性があります。