
March 20, 2023: Jet Lag (時差ぼけ)

When I was a salesman for overseas markets, I travelled around the world and took hundreds of flights with occasional jet lag. Most of the flights I took were European ones. These caused no jet lag to me because there was almost no time difference. The time difference was only three hours at most. But when I took intercontinental flights, I always had to suffer from jet lag. And it was not always the same. It was sometimes mild, but sometimes, strong, depending on the flight. In particular, it bothered me more when I flew east than west.
When I flew from Japan to Europe, I had less jet lag and no problems working just after I arrived in Europe. But when I flew east from Europe to Japan on business, I had a bad case of jet lag. I could hardly sleep the day I arrived. And from the next day onward, I feel tired all day and very sleepy in the daytime. And I had the worst case when I flew from Japan to the United States. I had been there by air about ten times. Most of the time, I could not sleep while I was staying there. I felt that the days went by very slowly, and I was in a foggy state. So I tried a lot of things to get over jet lag as quickly as possible, and the best tool was cold medicine. I used to take it and rushed to bed as soon as I arrived at my hotel.




