August 6, 2021: ジョン・グリシャム「処刑室」 (The Chamber by John Grisham)

 A month ago, I suddenly wanted to read a book of John Grisham. In the past, I tried some of his books, but could not finish them due to my poor reading comprehension. Accordingly, I was very afraid of having difficulties in and giving up halfway my another attempt to read Grisham's original, and I searched on the Internet for other materials that enable me to read Grisham’s works in English other than the original. As a result, I found “The Chamber” by Grisham in the Pearson English Reader Series for extensive reading.
 The book is very easy to read and understand as the series is re-written for English learners to enhance their reading comprehension. Further the book has only 100 pages, about one-sixth of the original. I will try to enhance my reading comprehension with the book and will thereafter challenge the original.

