
February 7, 2022:我が家のボス、ため息、ストレス、COVID-19 (Boss in the House, Sighs, Stress, COVID-19)―(3)

 My boss has recently looked tired. She has sighed very often. She gives a sigh as soon as she wakes up. She also sighs when going to work and beginning to cook. Further, when she has a rest next to me, she sighs. I don’t know if it is because of her mental tiredness or physical exhaustion. But, I guess that she is mentally exhausted since she looks happy when she watches her favourite dramas alone. She seems to sigh when forced to start what she does not want to do. I fully understand how she feels, but her sighs adversely affect me.
 She also seems demotivated by COVID-19. COVID-19 has deprived her of a chance to chat or travel with her friends.
 If I trouble her further, she will be more stressed. I had better leave her alone.

