July 25, 2021 中古本のありがたみ (Value of Used Books)

In spite of my past strong hesitation to buy used books, I have recently repeated buying used books. For the last few years, I have enthusiastically studied and trained my English skill (mainly grammar and writing). As a result, I need to buy many books essential for improvement of my skills. The best way to obtain the books is to buy new books from regular book stores such as Kinokuniya-Shioten and Maruzen. But I cannot afford to do it due to the costs and have begun to buy used books. Once I bought used books, I didn’t find any major problem in using them. Of course, some used books had a lot of writing in the pages. But, most of the used books I have bought are acceptable to me. In addition, the used book market enables me to buy foreign books at reasonable cost in Japan as well as to buy used foreign books from foreign book stores through Amazon. (to be continued)

