July 5, 2021: New Medical Drama “Tokyo MER” (新ドラマ “Tokyo MER”)

The new medical drama series “Tokyo MER” get started yesterday. It is telling the story of emergency medical staff including Ryohei Suzuki, Ayami Nkajyo and Nanao. In the 1st episode, the emergency medical staff rushed to the scenes of a bus crash and an explosion at a plant to save lives. I was very gripped by the moment of the bus crashing and the explosion at the plant and I guessed that the scenes must cost. In addition, the drama has political elements. It looks promising to me. Personally, I expect Ayami Nakajyo and Nanao to show their good performance.
Fuji TV has also aired a medical drama series on Monday and I am going to be addicted to these medical drama series for two days in row. It is too early to determine which is more enjoyable, but Fuji’s drama series seems to be more human and humorous.

TBSで新しいドラマ「Tokyo MER」がはじまりました。鈴木亮平さんが主演の救命救急チームの活躍を描く作品です。初回は、バス事故と工場爆発の中で救命救急チームが現場で手術を行い、人命を救います。事故や爆発の場面は映画並みの迫力で、お金をかけているなという印象です。また、政治的な要素もあります。今後が楽しみな作品です。個人的には、中条あやみさんの活躍に期待です。
