Writing a new novel.

In the two years process that my former novel has taken, a very few moments were spend writing. 

And writing is what I like the most. So, it's not a big deal to say that i've missed it a lot. 
Writing, creating a story, crafting its characters, a plot, a scenario… 
Sometimes, when I spend so many time without writing it's a bit frightening. I'm afraid of losing my hability to create. 
It's always "and what if the miracle of giving birth to a novel never happens again." 

I keep telling myself it's like a craftmanship. You cannot lose it. It's something you've learned, and worked on so much it became an instinct. 
Like music. I would still know how to sing and play piano even after a complete loss of my memory. 
Still. I'm afraid of losing it. And it would be like loosing my reason to live. 

I'm creating a new story. 
Like always, it escaped me completely. I wanted to craft a romance, and it's becoming a revolution story. Still based around music. 
I'm wondering how much of my writing comes from my frustration of having given up music in order to write. 
I don't have to chose, maybe, but younger I had to take a decision between both and writing won this lifetime contest. 

This new story is about a medieval city. A Jester, and thief, and a musician. A princess of sort, a bandit, a revolutions, and a hidden court behind the city. 
It will be interesting. 
I tried to keep the love story in sight but the revolution part became more and more present…. 
It's the first time I'm writing without pressure since years. No manuscript or publisher in sight. Just a story for the sake of a story. 
I'm taking my time. And it's a luxury. 

I don't like publishers. 
I dislike them as much as I dislike music labels, maybe even more, because they find even more ways to prostitute their artists; Ways that are highly dubious, but well… 
Some of them are nice, I guess. 
My publisher is not that bad. I'm lucky, in a way. 

So I'm finding myself engrossed in gothic architecture nowadays, and musicals of all sorts. 
Damn I wish I could share my fav musicals with you, Japan. You'd like it. 
When I was there, in Tokyo, there was one musical about King arthur that was very intriguing. But… I'm not sure about how the story would be told. 
I'm curious. 

I'm writing again. 
Going back to my first love. Telling tales. 
I only have notes on paper for now. It's the story that took me the longuest time since my first novel. 
Maybe because i',m deeply enjoying the process of creating characters, and taking all of this time to fully heal from the tedious end of my last novel. 

The hero of this Story is named Nightingale. 
A fitting name for a Bard. 

see you after the first chapter, then…
