
49 肩の痛み Shoulder Pain


  • 機能解剖学を理解していれば、臨床診察で肩の痛みの原因のほとんどを診断することができる

  • 病歴と臨床診察、そして補助的な検査は、肩の痛みに対する最も適切な治療の指針となる

  • 肩の痛みの鑑別診断には、頻度の多い局所障害(腱や隣接構造物など)と、放散痛を介した離れた解剖学的部位から生じる原因がある

  • 様々な特異的な診察所見(Neerテスト、Hawkinsテストなど)は、肩の痛みの診断におおいに役立つ

  • 全身性関節症(関節リウマチなど)は時に肩痛を伴い、多くの場合で時間の経過とともに肩を侵す


  • 肩の痛みの正確な診断は、上肢と胸郭をつなぐ役割をしている肩の独特な解剖学的構造と位置によって難しくなっている

  • 肩の痛みの原因を特定することは、適切な治療法を提案するために不可欠である

  • 診察する医師は、肩の痛みの原因が内因性/局所的なものなのか、外因性/放散痛のものなのか、あるいはその2つの組み合わせによるものなのかを区別できなければならない

  • 内因性の痛みは肩甲帯に由来し、肩甲上腕骨および肩関節周囲の障害を含むが、外因性の痛みは肩甲帯の外側に発生し、肩への二次的な痛みの伝達を伴う。外因性の痛みの例としては、冠動脈疾患の初発症状としての左肩痛がある。肝疾患、胆嚢疾患、脾疾患もまた、肩の痛みとして最初に現れることがある


Reality:The shoulder is the most mobile joint of the body, although this mobility is gained at the sacrifice of stability. Only 25% of the humeral head surface has contact with the glenoid at any time. 
・回旋筋腱板(rotator cuff)は、上腕骨を肩甲骨の関節窩に安定させる働きがあり、肩甲下筋、棘上筋、棘下筋、小円筋で構成されています。このrotator cuffの問題が、肩痛の原因の多くをしめます。


Comment:Another indication of the severity of pain is disruption of sleep; the patient should be asked if the pain prevents sleep or awakens the patient and if he or she can lie on the affected shoulder. The patient also should be asked if the pain is sharp or dull. Sharp, burning pain over the top of the shoulder indicates a neurogenic origin, whereas a dull, aching pain over the lateral deltoid suggests rotator cuff disease with impingement.  


Reality:Accurate diagnosis and successful treatment of a shoulder disorder begin with a thorough history and physical examination. Most of the information needed to make a correct diagnosis can be elicited with basic clinical skills, rather than by relying on expensive and highly technologic investigative aids when it will not affect the treatment plan.Diagnostic tests should be used only to confirm an established diagnosis or to assist in cases with a challenging presentation. 
・肩関節障害の正確な診断と成功する治療は、徹底的な病歴聴取と身体診察から始まる。正しい診断を下すために必要な情報のほとんどは、高価で高度な技術を要する検査補助具(筆者注:具体的にはMRIでしょう)に頼るよりも、基本的な臨床技術で引き出すことができる。 (MRIなどの)診断検査は、病歴・身体所見で確立された診断を確認するため、あるいは困難な病態を呈する症例の補助診断支援のためにのみ使用すべきである。

Pearl:クランシーテストは腱板腱症(rotator cuff tendinopathy)の検出に優れる

Comment:A dynamic impingement test, known as the circumduction-adduction shoulder maneuver (also called the Clancy test), is 95% sensitive and 95% specific for diagnosing rotator cuff tendinopathy, including partial tears.The test is performed with the patient in the standing position, with the head turned to the contralateral shoulder. The affected shoulder is circumducted and adducted across the body to shoulder level while the elbow is kept in extension, the shoulder is in internal rotation, and the thumb is pointing toward the floor. In this position, the patient is instructed to resist maximally as a uniform downward force is applied to the extended arm by the examiner. The test result is considered positive if pain or weakness is elicited during the maneuver, with pain localized to the anterolateral aspect of the shoulder. A strong positive correla- tion of pain and weakness is noted with a complete cuff tear 
・肩関節外転-内転運動(Clancyテストとも呼ばれる)として知られる動的インピンジメントテストは、部分断裂を含む腱板腱症の診断に対して95%の感度と95%の特異性をもっている。 このテストは、対側の肩に頭を向け、立位で行う。肘を伸展させ、肩を内旋させ、親指を床に向ける。この姿勢で、検査者が伸展した腕に一様な下向きの力を加えて、患者は最大限の抵抗をするように指示される。この操作中に疼痛や脱力が誘発され、疼痛が肩の前外側に限局している場合、検査結果は陽性とみなされる。腱板が完全に断裂している場合、疼痛と脱力 の強い正の相関が認められる。



Reality:Injection of referred pain areas may be misleading. In a patient with lateral arm pain resulting from deltoid bursal involvement from calcific tendinitis of the supraspinatus tendon, the injection should be directed to the subacromial space, rather than the area of referred pain in the deltoid muscle. 


Comment:One of the most common non traumatic causes of shoulder pain is impingement with rotator cuff tendinopathy. In 1972 Neer described his results of 100 anatomic shoulder dissections and coined the term impingement syndrome. Impingement may be defined as the encroachment of the acromion, coracoacromial ligament, coracoid process, or AC joint on the rotator cuff as it passes beneath them during glenohumeral motion. 
・肩の痛みの最も一般的な非外傷性の原因の1つは、腱板腱障害に伴うインピンジメント(衝突、挟み込み兆候)である。1972年、Neerは100の肩関節解剖の結果を報告し、 インピンジメント症候群という用語を作り出した。インピンジメントとは、肩峰、烏口肩峰靭帯、烏口突起、またはAC関節が、肩甲上腕関節の運動中にそれらの下を通過する際に、腱板を侵食することである。


Comment:Neer  developed a staging system for the description of impingement lesions of the shoulder. A stage I lesion involves edema and hemorrhage of the rotator cuff and typically is found in people younger than 25 years who are active in athletics that involve repetitious overhead activities. The condition usually responds to conservative treatment that includes rest, anti-inflammatory medication, and physical therapy. Stage II lesions usually occur in people in their 30s or 40s and represent the biologic response of fibrosis and thickening of the tendon after repeated episodes of mechanical impingement over time. If symptoms persist despite adequate conservative management for longer than 6 to 12 months, surgical intervention is warranted. Stage III lesions involve rotator cuff tears, biceps tendon rupture, and bone changes, and they rarely occur before age 40 years. Surgical treatment depends on the patient’s age, loss of function, weakness, and pain.

  • Neerは、肩のインピンジメント病変の病期分類を開発した。

  • Ⅰ期の病変は、腱板の浮腫と出血を伴うもので、通常、オーバーヘッドを繰り返す運動をしている25歳以下の人に見られる。この病変は通常、安静、抗炎症薬、理学療法などの保存的治療に反応する。

  • II期病変は通常30〜40歳代にみられ、機械的インピンジメントを長期間繰り返した後に腱の線維化と肥厚が生じる生物学的反応である。適切な保存的治療にもかかわらず症状が6〜12ヵ月以上持続する場合は、外科的治療が必要である。

  • III期の病変は腱板断裂、上腕二頭筋腱断裂、骨変化を伴い、40歳以前に発症することはまれである。外科的治療は、患者の年齢、機能低下、筋力低下、疼痛によって異なる。



Reality:Calcific tendinitis is a painful condition around the rotator cuff that is associated with deposition of calcium salts, primarily hydroxyapatite.The cause of calcific tendinitis is unknown. The commonly accepted cause is degeneration of the tendon, which leads to calcification through a dystrophic process.Although calcific tendinitis is more common in the right shoulder, at least a 6% incidence of bilaterality has been reported. Most calcification occurs in the supraspinatus tendon, and 57% to 76.7% of patients are women. The average age of patients is 40 to 50 years. Coman  pointed out the localization of calcification within the tendon of the supraspinatus. He provided a detailed descrip- tion of the symptoms and the natural history of this condition. In describing the phases of pain, spasm, limitation of motion, and atrophy, he noted the lack of correlation between symptoms and the size of the calcific deposit. 
・痛風、偽痛風でも偏光顕微鏡の感度はそれほど高くなく、特にCPPは偽陰性が多いことに注意が必要です。尿酸結晶は感度63-78%、特異度93-100%、CPP crystalは感度12-83%、特異度78-96%(Ann Rheum Dis. 2002;61:493-8)


Comment:Spontaneous tear of the rotator cuff in an otherwise healthy person is rare.It can occur in patients with RA or systemic lupus erythematosus as part of the pathologic pro- cess with invasion from underlying pannus. Metabolic conditions such as renal osteodystrophy and agents such as glucocorticoids occasionally are associated with cuff tears.  


Comment:Bicipital tendinitis is sometimes an associated feature of a rota- tor cuff tear. The rotator cuff tear compromises centering of the humeral head on the glenoid. This compromise results in increased mechanical loading of the long head of the biceps, which initiates a hypertrophic tendonitis


Comment:The AC joint is a common source of shoulder pain. Acute causes of AC joint pain are often related to direct trauma of the affected shoulder that may result in a distal clavicle injury with an intra- articular chondral fracture, or in AC joint instability from liga- mentous disruption. Other causes of osteolysis include rheumatoid arthritis, hyperparathyroidism, and sarcoidosis, which should be considered in the differential diagnosis, especially in bilateral cases.


Reality:AC symptoms do not always correlate with the radiographic appearance of the joint. DePalma found AC joint degeneration to be an age-related process, with symptoms not always correlating with radiographic findings of AC joint arthrosis. AC joint pain may occur despite normal findings of radiographs. 
・AC関節の症状は、関節のX線所見と常に相関する わけではない。DePalmaは、AC関節の変性は加齢に関連した プロセスであり、症状はAC関節の関節症のX線所見と 必ずしも相関しないことを明らかにした。 AC関節痛は、X線写真の所見が正常であるにもかかわらず生じることがある。

・これは肩鎖関節のみならず、膝変形性関節症でも同様のことが言えます。膝変形性関節症についていえば、膝痛の患者さんのうちX線でOA所見ありが15-76%、X線でOA所見ありのうち膝痛ありは15-81%という報告があります(BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2008, 9:116)。疼痛によるADL低下が生じている高齢患者さんでは、X線所見が派手でなくても、適切なタイミングで整形外科に紹介することを心がけたいです。


Comment:Osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint is less common than that in the hip, its counterpart in the lower extremity. Because the shoulder is normally a non–weight-bearing joint and is not usually susceptible to repeated high loading, the presence of osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint should alert the physician to consider other factors. 
Has the patient engaged in unusual activities, such as boxing, heavy weight lifting, construction, or long-term use of a pneumatic hammer? Has some disorder, such as epiphyseal dysplasia, created joint incongruity with high unit loading of the articular cartilage? Is this a neuropathic process caused by diabetes, syringomyelia, or leprosy? Have associated hemochromatosis, hemophilia, or gout altered the ability of articular cartilage to withstand normal loading? Is unrecognized chronic dislocation responsible? 


Comment:In 1873 Adams described the pathologic changes that characterize RA of the shoulder and a condition that since that time has been referred to as “Milwaukee shoulder” or cuff-tear arthropathy.156 McCarty called the condition Milwaukee shoulder and reported that factors predisposing to this syndrome included deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals, direct trauma, chronic joint overuse, chronic renal failure, and denervation.
・1873年、Adamsは肩関節のRAを特徴づける病理学的変化と、それ以来 "Milwaukee shoulder "または腱板断裂性関節症と呼ばれる病態について述べた。McCartyは、この病態をミルウォーキー・ショルダーと呼び、この症候群の素因として、ピロリン酸カルシウム二水和物結晶の沈着、直接外傷、慢性関節の酷使、慢性腎不全、脱神経などがあると報告している。
・この疾患もハイドロキシアパタイトが検出されますが、偏光顕微鏡ではみられないため、診断は臨床診断によることが多いです。関節液は多量で、非炎症性で、時にruptureすることがあります(熊本日赤からの報告:The Journal of Rheumatology. 2020; 47 :1837) 


Reality:Adhesive capsulitis, or frozen shoulder syndrome (FSS), is a con- dition characterized by limited motion of the shoulder joint with pain at the extremes of motion. The exact cause of FSS is unknown. It is frequently associated with conditions such as diabetes mellitus, parkinson- ism, thyroid disorders, and cardiovascular disease. When one of these conditions exists, a history of some mild trauma that initiated the frozen shoulder is often reported.In a high-risk patient with an underlying disorder, even minor surgery or trauma in a remote location, such as the hand, can precipitate FSS. 
