
Thoughts on our NFT

Self Introduction

We are about 30 years old couple. We got married on July 22, 2018 and have been married for four years. We have not been able to have children. We've been going to the hospital for fertility treatment for about a year now. We both work from home, and we have been spending a lot of time together since Covid-19. We sometimes quarrel over trivial things, but we are very close, such as taking a bath together every day and sleeping on his arms.

The reason We're interested in NFT

Originally, I knew the word "NFT" itself from Ai Sekiguchi's news, but I did not care about it. What made me more familiar with NFT was when a friend of mine from university told me about DeFi (Decentralized Finance), Smart Contract, GameFi and other difficult things. I went home thinking he was an alien, but I check these words on Google and found out that they seems latest technology. Then I understand these alien's words. (No, I didn't understand it at all, though.) The wave of new things is big and strong, so while I am swapping the pancake we reach to NFT. Seeing NFT connects many people in the big technology waves, I was thinking that, "I wonder if someone can relate to our story, and it would be great if it could create a connection between people.

What we want to do through NFT

We would like to create a community through NFT. As I mentioned in our self introduction, we are a married couple. We are partners who are there for each other in every situation, whether it's fun, hard, or sad.
We would like to create a community with those who already have such a partner, and those who are thinking of having one. Of course, partners are not only "male" and "female" couples, but also "human" and "human " couples.
I'm a negative person with low self-esteem, but my partner warms up my gloomy inner world with a kind of reassuring security. However, sometimes (and often foolishly), I am surprised or angered by words or actions by him that I don't understand. It would be fun if we could share these small daily feelings and events with others, and be able to sympathize, laugh, and be surprised? It would also be interesting to learn about the characteristics of a couple through the eyes of another person.
I'd also like to make it a place where people can casually but seriously listen to and discuss the problems they have because they have a partner or because they are a couple. In our case, our recent problem is that we have not been blessed with children, and we don't want people who are in a real relationship with us to know about it. Then there is no one at all that I can consult or refer to.... A place where couples with worries and anxieties of all sizes, not limited to infertility, can take refuge before they are swallowed up by the worries and anxieties that are gradually piling up in the corners of their minds. A warm and fluffy place. It's like freshly baked bread. Why don't we start kneading the dough together?

Collections on display

SweetMarriageLife NFT

This is the main collection. The main collection features pixel art depicting scenes of life with a partner from two perspectives:
・"happy moments"💗
・"fighting moments"💔̑̈
When I create these works, I try to remember the scene.
I would like to plan various projects to create a warm community.

SweetMarriageLife NFT Collection

SweetDrinkLife NFT

I made a pixel art work of a sweet drink, related to "Sweet". I tried to create a novel design for an interesting genre! A famous drink also appears in this work. In the future, I would like to create pixel art of sweet drinks from all over the world.

SweetDrinkLife NFT Collection

Coming Soon

The name is still undecided, but I am thinking of making a new collection of girl-themed works. I'm working hard on it.


This is a rough roadmap of SweetMarriageLife NFT. To be honest, I wondered what the goal was. But I'll be very happy if we can create a place where people from all over the world can talk about their current and ideal lives with their partners, regardless of country, age, or gender. In order to make this event more exciting, I will keep coming up with interesting plans, so I would appreciate your feedback.

Overall Roadmap of SweetMarriageLife NFT
Work Roadmap of SweetMarriageLife NFT

In the end

I'm really glad you've read this far. Thank you very much.

If you agree with our thoughts, please spread this article to as many people as you can, who have not yet met us.
Although each of us is a small person, let's work hand in hand with our partners and with people around the world to make wonderful connections!

I hope you will share this article on social networking sites and I hope build a community with many people.

