

Let people know you care...



日本語は英語に比べて愛情表現しやすいフレーズが少ないからか、家族やパートナーや友達に、いつもありがとう、愛してるよー、大事にしてるよーて感覚を言葉にして伝えるのは なんか難しいし恥ずかしい気もする。

人によっては 重いと感じたり、言わなくてもわかるでしょ、と思う人もいると思う。


さっき、きっかけがあって父に電話して想いを伝えたら「なんて言っていいかわからないけど 話はわかりました」て言ってた😂



Let people I care know I care about them is something I've been consciously doing especially the last few years.

It is much easier to convey the love in English than in Japanese.

Compare to English language, I think there are less words and expressions in Japanese language that directly convey endearment and emotions. Japanese culture plays a role here, too.

As a result, generally speaking, people are not so used to say or hear words of endearment and gratitude towards one another. It might be bit embarrassing or some might feel too overwhelmed.

Even so, personally, I don't want to end up wondering if people I care about knew they're loved and cared for, so I try to convey the message of love and gratitude every chance I get.

Earlier I had a chance to tell my step father I care about him. He didn't know how to take it, said "I understand your message" in business tone😂 I took that as thank you🤭

Have a wonderful weekend ahead🫶🏻
