
Questions for my little friends in Gaza ガザのちいさな友人たちへの質問

1. Hamza&Sarah's small project

I asked many questions to my friends from northern Gaza, Hamza Esbeta (22, university student) and his sister, Sarah Esbeta (14, middle school student), on behalf of my friends and acquaintances. Despite carrying hearts weighed down by fear every day, every hour, they earnestly shared their current situation with us. We have been posting videos of their daily lives on Instagram, along with Q&A sessions, as Reels. We have received many messages from people saying, ‘Thank you for showing us the reality of living so strongly; we have gained strength from you.’

Despite carrying hearts weighed down by fear every day, every hour, they earnestly shared their current situation with us.



2.Please know about them a little with our Reels, Q&A

大🦍森の平和🍉 on Instagram: "Questions from 40 Japanese to Palestine Kids ガザ地区北部出身 ハムザは大学 4年生、サラは中学生。 2023年10月7日からの戦争により、自宅が破壊され、避難生活を余儀なくされている。 2024年、空爆/砲撃および銃撃により弟アスナが片目失、叔父が殉教、父サミールが瀕死の重傷を負った。 雑草を探して飢えをしのぎ、新になるものを探す日々が続いている。 ガザ地区から出るために、クラウド・ファンディングに挑戦中。 検問所を通過するには、おとな一人1万ドル、こども一人5千ドルかかる。 サミール氏の長年の友人藤亮司氏を叔父と慕い、ひょんなことから僕と友人になったハムザとサラ。 なかなか集まらない莫大な資金一一僕とハムザとサラで Q&Aを作るプロジェクトを開始した。 40人以上の友人たちがガザの彼らに質問をしてくれた。 これは、彼らとその叔父による回答集。 Hamza is a fourth-year university student and Sara is a junior high school student from the northern Gaza Strip. Their home was destroyed by the war that began on October 7, 2023, was destroyed by the and they are forced to live in evacuation centers. In 2024, their younger brother Asuna lost sight in one eye, their uncle was martyred, and their father Samir was seriously injured and near death due to airstrikes, shelling, and gunfire. They spend their days searching for weeds to stave off hunger and find firewood. They are currently trying crowdfunding to get out of checkpoint. Hamza and Sara regard Samir's longtime friend, Ryoj Fuiar, as their uncle, and became friends with me through a coincidence. It is difficult to raise the huge amount of funds, so Hamza, Sara, and I started a project to create a Q&A. More than 40 friends have asked them questions in Gaza. This is a collection of answers from them and their uncle. ── たくさんの質問をありがとうございました。 ハムザ&サラたちからの回答になります。 ご支援とシェアのご協力をよろしくお願いします。 皆様のご支援とシェアが彼らの命綱になります。 Thank you for your support. Your donation and sharing their campaign = their lifeline. 支援先 https://gofund.me/53262d48 #palestine #gaza #ceasefirenow #nowar" 26 likes, 0 comments - hiro_books_note on August 10, 2024: "Q www.instagram.com
大🦍森の平和🍉 on Instagram: "夕暮れ時、ガザの友人はどんな思いで歩いたのだろうか。 200人弱が亡くなった2日後、サラとハムザがメッセージをくれた。 「どうしてる?」と。 「君たちがなんとか生き延びてくれていたら 僕も元気だよ」 「ありがとう。野菜が手に入らなくて、 手に入るとしても高いの。 だから、お父さんが、植えてくれたんだ」 数時間して、 「優しいお父さんだね」 と、返した。 既読がつくのを待ちわびる日々。 ── Rimbaud 1873(1872) Elle est retrouvée !
Quoi ? l’éternité.
C’est la mer mêlée
Au soleil. また見つかった!
何が? 永遠が。
それは、海と溶け合う太陽。 Mon âme éternelle,
Observe ton vœu
Malgré la nuit seule
Et le jour en feu. 俺の永遠の魂よ、
燃え上がる昼だろうと。 Donc tu te dégages
Des humains suffrages,
Des communs élans !
Tu voles selon… 離れろ、
お前は飛ぶ、・・・のままに。 — Jamais l’espérance.
Pas d’orietur.
Science et patience,
Le supplice est sûr. 決して期待もなく、
責め苦は確実だ。 Plus de lendemain,
Braises de satin,
Votre ardeur
Est le devoir. もう明日はない。
義務なのだ。 Elle est retrouvée !
— Quoi ? — l’Éternité.
C’est la mer mêlée Au soleil. また見つかった!
何が? 永遠が。
それは、海と溶け合う太陽。 ── 友人のハムザ・スベータくん(22歳)と その妹サラ・スベータちゃん(14歳)。 ガザ地区北部から出るために クラウド・ファンディングに挑戦しています。 皆様のあたたかなご支援やシェアが、 彼らにとって命綱となってます。 支援先: https://gofund.me/53262d48 #Gaza #palestine #ceasefirenow" 15 likes, 0 comments - hiro_books_note on August 13, 2024: "夕 www.instagram.com

We post daily routine and Q&A.
Many people say "Thanks let me know about them,I wanna support them/I wanna share their campaign" etc.

Thank you so so much to help our project of Q&A.

Over 40 Japanese join to ask something questions to Hamza & Sarah

Thank you for your knowing about them and northern Gaza's difficult situation.(Mr.Fujiwara joined this Q&A session as their uncle not as a Journalist:He knows well about them)






about rain
How they have thought to start using DonationSite(GFM)
Speak out "Ceasefire NOW"
The resolve to never awaken from sleep, knowing death could come from the bombings
大🦍森の平和🍉 on Instagram: "Questions from 40 Japanese to Palestine Kids ガザ地区北部出身 ハムザは大学 4年生、サラは中学生。 2023年10月7日からの戦争により、自宅が破壊され、避難生活を余儀なくされている。 2024年、空爆/砲撃および銃撃により弟アスナが片目失、叔父が殉教、父サミールが瀕死の重傷を負った。 雑草を探して飢えをしのぎ、新になるものを探す日々が続いている。 ガザ地区から出るために、クラウド・ファンディングに挑戦中。 検問所を通過するには、おとな一人1万ドル、こども一人5千ドルかかる。 サミール氏の長年の友人藤亮司氏を叔父と慕い、ひょんなことから僕と友人になったハムザとサラ。 なかなか集まらない莫大な資金一一僕とハムザとサラで Q&Aを作るプロジェクトを開始した。 40人以上の友人たちがガザの彼らに質問をしてくれた。 これは、彼らとその叔父による回答集。 Hamza is a fourth-year university student and Sara is a junior high school student from the northern Gaza Strip. Their home was destroyed by the war that began on October 7, 2023, was destroyed by the and they are forced to live in evacuation centers. In 2024, their younger brother Asuna lost sight in one eye, their uncle was martyred, and their father Samir was seriously injured and near death due to airstrikes, shelling, and gunfire. They spend their days searching for weeds to stave off hunger and find firewood. They are currently trying crowdfunding to get out of checkpoint. Hamza and Sara regard Samir's longtime friend, Ryoj Fuiar, as their uncle, and became friends with me through a coincidence. It is difficult to raise the huge amount of funds, so Hamza, Sara, and I started a project to create a Q&A. More than 40 friends have asked them questions in Gaza. This is a collection of answers from them and their uncle. ── たくさんの質問をありがとうございました。 ハムザ&サラたちからの回答になります。 ご支援とシェアのご協力をよろしくお願いします。 皆様のご支援とシェアが彼らの命綱になります。 Thank you for your support. Your donation and sharing their campaign = their lifeline. 支援先 https://gofund.me/53262d48 #palestine #gaza #ceasefirenow #nowar" 26 likes, 0 comments - hiro_books_note on August 10, 2024: "Q www.instagram.com

3.Recently News from northern Gaza

They lost their uncle and their father was shot but miraculously survived.
The fear of losing someone in the family, the fear of death, is an unimaginable situation.
As you know, intense operations are underway in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, and the other day we received terrible news.


a message to the world.

We know that in today's morning we have bothered the world.
I moved at 5AM at the first moments of the massacre from Jabalia camp to the targeted area in al Darag neighbourhood, as there was extremely dangerous to move as the aircrafts were flying heavily and in a low altitude and no one was on the street.
But what made me go is the scale of this crime.
I thought that after capturing those scenes that this massacres won't pass like the other massacres.
But unfortunately the world got used to those scenes and they became passable news.







4.How to support them

Sarah and Hamza have struggled to survive under these circumstances and they are now challenging Crowd Fund to help them leave the northern Gaza Strip.

Your sharing and support of the Crowd Fund recipients has been a lifeline for them.


According to OCCRP, Gaza's Rafah border crossing is becoming more expensive. Palestinians $4,500-$10,000; Egyptians $650-$1,200. Prewar, the process took 2-6 months, but now about 200 people a day travel via the "coordination" list.


They are running out of time to survive in Gaza, and a GoFundMe is the only option left to help them survive.

Your warm support would be greatly appreciated.



Recipient of Support /支援先:

Gaza's photo:Hamza Esbeta
Prod.:Albert Hiro Suzuki
