Kylie Finney-Smith

Kylie Finney-Smith




    • GBTニキと学ぶ「一目瞭然」

      through the roof 口語表現で、「屋根を突き抜けるほど」という意味。非常に高いことを強調する表現。 Who wouldn't want in? では「wouldn't」が使われていますが、これは仮定法過去を示す表現です。この文脈では、話し手が「誰もが参加したいでしょう」という仮定や想像を表現しています。

      • Eigo

        Alex Dorame Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Alex Dorame. She was a force to be reckoned with, determined to become a legend in the making. With her ample talents and countless accolades, Alex was acclaimed by many as an amba

        • VBA excel持ってないけど仕事で使うし VBA

          値のコピー‘タイトルSub 値のコピー()‘「Target」これはセルの名あるDim Target As Range‘「Target」にc3:c13のセルを代入Set Target = Range(”c3:c13”)‘「Target」をコピーTarget.Copy‘E1に「Target」を貼り付けRange("E1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues‘これなんなんApplication.CutCopyMode = False‘おわりEnd


          PowerShell: Anyway, I record all the code I used.

          #abracadabraadd-type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms #Return to previous window[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("%{TAB}")Start-Sleep -m 100 #Launch Google ChromeStart-Process -FilePath "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start M

          PowerShell: Anyway, I record all the code I used.

          Just want you to know my damn best learning accelerators

          As dictionariesGif to rememberGrammar check TranslatorFilms as a Textbooks

          Just want you to know my damn best learning accelerators