
【Inside beBit】Software Department - Takahashi-san

Inside beBit - A project in which we ask 10 questions about a beBit member's work and personal life. We hope that “Inside beBit” will provide an opportunity to get to know more about the individuals you work with.
In this issue, we had Takahashi-san from the Software Department answer our questions!


Software Department - Takahashi-san

What people call you: Takahashi-san or my first name
Department:Software Department - Marketing Solution Application Specialist
Year joined:2023

1:Tell us about your background
I joined a startup entertainment company after interning there. It was a company that promotes otaku culture internationally to realize the concept of “cool Japan”.  I was with the company for 10 years and was in charge of various tasks.

  • Inviting creators to user-generated content (UGC) media

  • Purchasing anime goods to sell in cross-border ECs

  • Planning and production of original anime collaboration goods

  • Web engineer (front-end, back-end, design) for a shipping agency

  • Editing light novels

beBit is the second company I joined. 

2:Why did you join beBit?
I was looking for a job that I can utilize my engineering experience at, and my recruitment agent introduced me to beBit. I had interviewed for beBit as a new grad, so I was moved when I heard this familiar name. Another factor was that I believe improving User Experience to be essential, and I also thought that the vision of spreading that idea around the world was a good one. 

3:Please tell us about the work you do at beBit
I work as an Application Specialist for OmniSegment, and my role is to provide technical support for the team. I am responsible for embedding tags during implementation, supporting operations, and serving as the local PdM (Product Manager). However, since we are still in the startup phase, my work is still fluid and my current main duties include PM (product manager) for implementation, maintenance of the implementation process, and organizing system integration requirements during the sales phase. My first job at beBit was creating a demo video for OmniSegment to be posted on our website. 

4:Tell us what you value most when working
I value having the awareness to create a mechanism. If a mechanism is in place, it is good for operations to proceed smoothly, to prevent recurrence of problems, and to make the results reproducible. I also believe that by basing problems on a system rather than on people, we can reduce psychological burdens and promote improvements. 

5:Tell us one thing you like about beBit
There are so many great people! Many individuals are very talented, but I also feel there are many “good” people as well. In addition, I enjoy going out with people from beBit as everyone is unique here. There are also a lot of people who enjoy drinking, which was a surprise I learned after joining!

6:What do you do during your free time?
Play guitar, play games, watch live streams, read, create something - I devote my time to whatever hobby I feel like! I’m an indoor person so I generally spend my time at home. Recently, I have become more concerned about my health, so I want to find something fun to do that gets me outside and moving. 

7:Tell us about any talents you gave
I have an official certification for Pokémon cards and can judge at tournaments and organize sanctioned events. As a player, I have won top prizes in large tournaments, and my matches have been streamed on the official Pokémon YouTube channel as well. I had a rare experience of being unexpectedly asked by a career agent, “Weren’t you on the Pokémon Card Game live stream?”

8:Which of the 16Personalities are you?
I am an INFP (Mediator).It’s sad that search suggestions for INFP are littered with “bad”, “bad at work”, “low salary”, etc. haha. I used to be an INTP (Logician), so I guess I have a particularly strong INP component. I’m convinced that I’m introverted (I), idealistic (N), and resourceful (P).

9:Tell us about your goals at beBit
First, I believe my mission is to establish a system that can smoothly implement OmniSegment. In parallel with this, I would like to devote my time to activities as a local PdM and create products that can deliver better results. 
On the other hand, I hope to think flatly about what is important and work without being bound to a framework. 

10:Tell us about any challenges you would like to attempt
It may not exactly be a challenge, but I have recently begun making a conscious effort to “think” in both my public and private life, and I would like to continue to do so. I believe that by organizing my thoughts on various topics on a regular basis, I can clarify my axis and improve the speed and quality of my actions. Whenever a topic comes up that interests, bothers, or troubles me, I try to summarize my thoughts by writing them down. 
