
【Inside beBit】UX Design Takahashi-san

Inside beBit - A project in which we ask 10 questions about a beBit member's work and personal life. We hope that “Inside beBit” will provide an opportunity to get to know more about the individuals you work with. 

In this issue, we asked Takahashi-san from UX Design to answer our questions!


UX Design Consultant Takahashi-san

●Department & Position:UX Design Consultant
●Year Joined:2019
●Birth Place:Saitama

1:Why did you join beBit?

I was introduced to beBit through a service called “Outlaw Employment” (You can guess the atmosphere of the service through the fact that Uematsu-san and I were hired through this service). As a student, I studied fashion design and was exposed to the concept of HCD (Human Centered Design) which is similar to UX. I was hoping to find a job that was involved in this field, and came across beBit by chance. 

2:Tell us about the work you do at beBit

UX Design is basically service design based on the input obtained through user surveys. I often assist in the design of new services and the renewal phase of projects. 
I also work as an editor for beBit Magazine, an in house radio program. 

3:What is one thing you like about beBit

The fact that it’s okay to be a bit different, or rather, the fact that it is welcomed. I didn’t find a job right after attending college for 4 years, and I feel this is a great company because even people like me are accepted. The other members in UX Design are also unique, so I feel at home. It takes some effort getting to know them, but I feel that it’s individuals like these who find the small discrepancies in their lives. These characteristics may be what makes them suitable for UX Design and thinking about better experiences.  

4:Tell us what you value most when working

One of the most important things to motivate myself is to like the client and the service I am working with. When I work on something I like and get my engine running, I am able to work more enthusiastically so I try to find points I like in the early stages of projects.

5:What is the most memorable or rewarding job you’ve done at beBit?

Becoming a member of the internal radio, beBit Magazine (it’s difficult to rank consulting work, so I will not include any). I liked radio programs and Podcasts to begin with, but I never imagined myself making the content. Podcasts can be heard all over the world, so the initial release felt like a global debut. We have not been as active recently, but I want to continue trying my best. (Let’s keep it up, Fujii-san!)

6:What year is the most memorable year in your life?

My final year at college. I was in college for a very long time, wondering when I would be able to graduate. I was very lucky, and am very thankful that I was able to graduate and find a position at beBit. In the end, my long experience at university ended up being a topic of interest during my interview with beBit, so I feel my detour was not a waste and plan on continuing to waste time and effort in the future.

7:What do you do during your free time?

Recently, I enjoy getting my friends to purchase expensive clothes. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I can convince someone who asks for a recommendation to buy an outfit that costs double their budget. The trick is to first show them good quality clothes that are a bit pricier, then ensure that they aren’t excited about any of the clothes found at the affordable stores. In the end, everyone seems to be satisfied with the results, so I would like to continue this activity.

8:Tell us about a UX you recently found amazing

It is not recent, but one UX I am impressed by and enjoy is bananas. In storage, they are kept together and don’t fall apart, and if you want to share them, they can easily be separated from the bunch. When you’re ready to eat, they can easily be peeled. Your hands are not dirtied when eating. The peels are connected, making them easy to dispose of. From top to bottom, it is extremely well made.

9:If you could be reborn into anything you want, what would you be?

I would like to be a “gyaru” (Japanese “gal”). Their existence is far from what I am. I respect the active, fun, no-nonsense feeling they portray. In this life, I would like to keep the gal mentality to heart and try to be as positive as possible.

10:Tell us about any challenges you would like to attempt

I would like to learn to use more design tools (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc). I learned to use both of them while I was a student, but would love to re-learn and enjoy them as toys as well. My work tends to focus on experience rather than visuals, so I believe I would enjoy being able to produce a more visually appealing output.
