
【A day at beBit】Marketing | Junior

“A Day at beBit” is a series that introduces the daily work life of employees of each occupation.
For this installment, we would like to introduce Kurihara-san from Marketing’s time schedule!

※The profile and job description are from when the interview was conducted in 2022.

【Kurihara-san’s Profile】

Department:Marketing (At the time of the interview)
Year joined:January 2020

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【Job Introduction】

The Marketing Promotion team’s mission is to establish “first encounters” with individuals who may be interested in our services. Specifically, we operate marketing plans such as online seminars, white papers, and mail magazines on a daily basis so that customers can learn about our services. We hold 12~15 seminars every month, and with our ongoing plans and new trials, we are working on communication measures every day. As a personal challenge, I also work to keep relations with customers as well (nurturing). I challenge myself to send information that customers want at the right time through the data we manage at beBit. It is difficult, but very rewarding to design communication based on the data of the customer’s situation.

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【Daily Schedule】

07:00 Wake up
My wife and I share the responsibility of making breakfast and taking our daughter to kindergarten. Our standard breakfast is grilled rice balls. It would be nice if I could play with my daughter or read for her, but getting ready typically takes up all my time. 

08:30 Drop off my daughter at kindergarten
When I work remotely, I take my daughter to kindergarten.

09:00 Check daily numbers
We run daily campaigns with mailing lists and what not, so I check how the previous day’s numbers were. I monitor progress compared to monthly goals and whether customers are responding well or not.

10:00 Team Morning Meeting
I am a part of a team of 7, so we have a morning meeting to catch up and say hello. We discuss our work progress, consult with each other, and work together, but at the same time, we chat about other things as well. Recent topics were manga and Fukuoka. I was born in Saitama, so I was a bit sad that I couldn’t relate too much. 

10:30 Writing newsletter drafts
I write drafts for upcoming newsletters. Setting up and sending out the mail using marketing automation tools is done by other team members, so I am in charge of writing and organizing requirements. If I am busy with other work, this sometimes rolls over into the afternoon… But, my team members are great at their jobs so we are able to quickly set up the newsletters. 

12:00 Lunch
Lunch at my desk. My family operates a 7-Eleven, so I often eat 7-Eleven bentos or freshly fried curry bread. 

13:00 Operations
I spend a lot of time maintaining, setting up, and operating marketing automation to ensure the quality is up to standard. I spend so much time that the marketing automation representative comments on my heavy usage. Maintenance is important for data and marketing automation design, so I handle various tasks such as changing settings and resolving errors so that the sales staff can use the tool and data with peace of mind. 

14:00 Marketing Promotion Team Meeting
This is the time to review our current progress on projects and numbers and discuss upcoming activities and improvements. We are in charge of a large variety of tasks, so time flies when we go over mailing lists, advertising, and SEO. If we end up having free time, we talk about manga!

15:00 Data maintenance and analysis
At beBit, we maintain and analyze tens of thousands of customer’s data. In addition, while it is only a small part, we visualize and analyze information from business meetings and behavior by attributing data to company names. Our BtoB marketing is in the growth stage, working on nurturing activities to create quality “customer encounters” from the data we have. My afternoons are spent focusing on the data infrastructure that is the cornerstone of our activities. 

18:00 Leaving work
When I can, I bathe my daughter, read her a picture book, and put her to bed. Recently, my daughter’s favorite books are “Nani Ni Naru No Macaroni San” and “Henshin! Mogunegunen.” After putting her to bed, I watch TV and eat dinner with my wife. After that is learning time. Recently, I have been studying how to write in order to improve my digital marketing skills, then going to bed.

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【What Makes my Job Worthwhile】

It’s quite difficult to design communications with customers through understanding their situation using data, but it is very rewarding. Frankly speaking, when looking at the large amount of data, I sometimes get lost as to what they are looking for. However, when a customer reacts positively to the timing or message that I worked on, I am very happy to have successfully reached the customer.
