
An in-house service planned by our junior employees, the “XD Library,” is Now Open!

Hello everyone!
My name is Honda, and I am a consultant in the XD (Experience Design) team.

This newsletter is all about the new internal service that some of the younger consultants, including myself, have started.

This service is intended for employees of the beBit Tokyo Office!
I wrote this article in hopes that you, the reader, will use the library.

Please check out the “Why” behind the establishment of this service, in addition to “What” we offer.
We would be very grateful if you could use the service and help us make this in-house project into a success!


What is the “XD Library”

The XD Library is
a lending service of content carefully selected to further enhance the learning of beBit as an organization,
operated by the XD Team.

Bookstores in town may choose their lineups to maximize profits.

EC sites may personalize selections for you to maximize sales.

The XD Library has beBit veterans select books for beBit employees to deepen their learning through books.
In addition to providing curation, we will also provide an environment to be able to easily pick up the books, and an environment for interaction after reading. These activities will be archived in a bookshelf in order to create a collection of knowledge unique to beBit.

Why the XD Library was established

Last year, the Learning Assistance Program was started from the Experience Design Team’s Executive Hirai-san’s vision to “make learning the flesh and blood of this organization.”

The system incorporated was
“the company will pay for books and lectures you would like to learn from.”

In order to further strengthen this system, we gathered our new consultants to install a bookshelf in the research room, 
but felt:


Then, an epiphany struck.


At the same time, we thought
This experience is weak for beBit, that is supposed to be focused on experiences. Could we develop this system into an experience that only beBit can create?




(We have a wonderful organization that gave us instant backing for this project)

I called out for volunteers to help create
an experience maximizing the learning of beBit through books

Then, as you would expect from the diverse beBit, these individuals gathered to found this project!


An employee who used to work in the office design field - Naka (Center)
A gutsy first year new grad - Okada (Right)
Founder, with a name meant for book projects - Honda (Honda(本多) means many books in Japanese) (Left)

How the experience designers started this project

At bebit, we don’t rush into creating products, just because we feel passionate.

We materialized a plan based on beBit’s UCD (User Centered Design) methodologies.


By applying concepts to users and conducting interviews, we found that certain concepts we designed had the opposite effects from what we believed, in addition to flaws in the mechanism as well!

Here is an example of what didn’t work.
(User surveys are important!)


What the XD Library is

Through the processes above, the XD Library was completed.

We have already been running a beta version within the XD team,
but as we are placing a new dedicated location in the office area, we have brushed up the service for everyone at the Tokyo Office to use as well.

How to use 1. Veteran employees regularly introduce books via Slack
Veteran employees post recommendations and reasons in #xd_図書館 !
We deliver “A chance to meet books”

Recommendations are regularly posted before weekends, when you have time to read books.

↓ Past Recommendations (Currently limited to Japanese) ↓ 



How to use 2. Trial reads are available by the bar area in the office!
We’ve created a location for you to pick up and read the curated books within the office.

If you stop by the bar area during your breaks, you can have a quick read to see if you are interested.
(The contents are planned to be updated every month)


How to use 3. Knowledge continues to build in the bookshelves
Books that are curated or donated will be archived on a bookshelf in Interview Room 3 to continue to help others learn.

The books will be categorized in a way that is unique to beBit and will allow users to choose books according to their projects or interests.

Examples of classification
・Books you want to read when you become a manager
・Books for new grads to become a consultant


There will be a digital bookshelf as well. For more details, check out #xd_図書館 on Slack!

How to use 4. You can rent the archived books!
The “Recommended Books of the Month” are not available for rent, but anyone may take home the archived books! (Please return them once you’ve read them!)

How to use 5. Purchase books you are interested in through the company!
※Currently only available for the UXD, UBS, HRD, and UXG teams

You can purchase books you are interested in and be reimbursed by the company.
Check out #xd_図書館 on slack for more details!

When can I start using it?

Operations have already begun!

If you’re interested, join #xd_図書館 on slack and check our our monthly curations!
Check out the bar area to read a few pages, or take a peek at the bookshelf in Interview Room 3!

We also accept donations of recommended books

You’re running out of room at home, and you have books that you want everyone at beBit to read…!

If you feel this way, please help us out by donating to the XD Library and returning knowledge to our organization.
