
Data Report on beBiters Part3

Hello everyone! It’s Eri from the Market Creation Office (MCO).
This is an installment of “Data Report on beBiters,” a three-part series in which we will report on the results of the survey that was recently sent out. 
The final installment will be about everyone’s values and how everyone spends their days off.



Exercising is said to release serotonin and dopamine, which are responsible for your sense of well-being, relieving stress and fatigue, and improving your quality of sleep. Let’s see how much exercise beBit employees get!

It looks like 3/4 of us routinely exercise!
In terms of frequency, the most common was 2~3 times a week (34%), followed by weekly, then by every 2 weeks. 

Let’s take a look at what kind of exercise everyone is getting! Below is the list of exercises in order of frequency. 
・Working out/Squats/Planks/Stretching
・Golf/Seasonal leasures such as Snowboarding and Scuba Diving
・Tennis/Badminton/Volleyball/Soccer/Futsal/Basketball/Table Tennis/Ultimate Frisbee

The top responses were exercises and lessons at facilities such as gyms and sports centers. There were also individuals who are heavily into sports, and others who exercise and stretch at home as well. 
There were also interesting answers such as “listening to music and dancing” and “going on mini-vacations and walking continuously.” The key to continue exercising is to find an exercise you enjoy!

■Days off

As the Fall holiday season draws near, we wanted to hear about everyone’s outdoor preferences. We asked them if they enjoyed going to rivers, mountains, or beaches! 

The results show that mountains were the most preferred. It may have to do with the fact that central Tokyo has more mountains close by compared to beaches. 

According to recent reviews, preferences in mountains and beaches were correlated with the individual's personality as well! People who prefer mountains tend to be more introverted while people who prefer the beach tend to be more extroverted. The results are influenced by how people perceive the geographic space, but according to these results, beBit employees may be a bit more introverted.

Now, let’s see what everyone does during their days off.

・Shopping/Window shopping
・Hanging out with friends or partners/Going out to eat/Discovering delicious foods
・Watching movies/Going to museums
・Golf/Yoga/Table Tennis/Practicing Samba/Watching sports
・Sauna/Public Baths
・Going to the park with kids/Taking walks/Exploring neighborhoods
・Escape Games/Board Games/Practicing drumming/Making music
・Relaxing at home/Cooking/Making curry/Studying/Reading

There were many more outdoor activities than I anticipated! Starting with people who enjoyed hiking (fitting, as our employees prefer mountains the most), we have individuals who relax at saunas and public baths and people who enjoy cooking at home and studying.  That’s a huge variety of answers!
If you’re ever looking for something to do on your days off, you may be able to reference the list above to find a #enjoy channel on Slack to find some people to hang out with!

Next up, let’s take a look at how participants spend time at their homes.

・Getting a nice breakfast with a hot sandwich and coffee on my balcony
・Get some incense going, turn on some mood lighting, and relax with a nice cup of coffee
・Buy some drinks that are a bit nicer than usual, prepare some elaborate snacks, and lazily drinking
・Watching sports and drinking
・Watching Youtube/U-NEXT/Hulu/Amazon Prime
・Place everything I need within reach and indulging in manga, anime, and movies
・Playing the Dark Souls series
・Playing online board games on Board Game Arena

A hot sandwich and coffee sounds like a perfect way to start your day. 
It looks like everyone relaxes or catches up on content they enjoy on their days off. 

What interested me the most was board games! Ever since I joined beBit, I hear “board games” around the office pretty often. As it felt like a bit of a hassle to gather players in the same place, I just might have to give online board games a try!

Next, we tried asking everyone about the things they find a necessity in their daily lives. From things they use actively to things that they naturally have around them, I’d like to share what everyone uses to motivate themselves!

・Waking up to the morning sun
・Alcohol and cigarettes/Coffee
・Translating the Encyclopedia of Philosophy/Writing
・Music/Bluetooth earphones
・TV time/Board games/Time alone
・Family and friends/Talking to people/Delicious food and great company/Playing with dogs
・Putting on makeup and curling my hair
・Supplements/Lip cream
・Walking/Exploring with Google Maps

With so much happening all around us, it’s very important to know how you want to spend your time.


When you have a long vacation, going on trips can also be an option! Let me introduce you to some of the best travel destinations that beBit employees recommend.


・Akita: There are fantastic hot springs every 1km! Hot spring hopping!
・Ogasawara Islands: Everything is heavenly
・Kanazawa: The cityscape is wonderful
・All of Nagano: The stars are beautiful. All of it is amazing!
・Atami: It’s near Tokyo, it has a nice local atmosphere, and the food is delicious!
・Kyoto: Kyoto in the fall is amazing!
・Setouchi: The International Art Festival was crazy good, and the food (udon, chicken with bones) was great
・Takamatsu City, Kagawa: There is an abnormal number of Udon restaurants, and they are abnormally delicious
・Kochi: It’s very laid back and the food is great
・Zamami Island: You can swim with sea turtles! And the alcohol is delicious!
・Miyako Island: Even if you’re just snorkeling, a beautiful world opens up in front of you
・Taketomi Island: You can feel just how crowded Tokyo actually is


・Finland: Even in midsummer, it’s below 30℃, the days are long, and the food is delicious! Everyone seemed to be very laid back.
・France: Everything was delicious!
・Italy: The people, the city, the art - they were all beautiful! And the food was delicious!
・South Africa: I’m glad I went when I was young (as it is very far). It was refreshing to see as it was definitely not what I expected!
・Cappadocia: I enjoyed the air balloons, the strange rocks, and the sunrise.
・Laos: The pineapples were way too delicious.
・New Zealand’s South Island: I love vacations being surrounded by nature. It was nice hiking and camping there.
・Antelope Canyon: The light beams were magical.
・Hawaii: The beach, weather, people, and food are incredible. Everyone greets you with a smile when you say aloha. It made me want to go back!
・Cancun: I came back with a stomach ache, but the food was delicious and the ocean was incredibly clear. It was incredible, even though I came back with a stomach ache.

Breaking it up into regions, a majority responded that they want to visit Europe. The most popular was Spain, followed by Italy. Along with the many of the individuals who responded, I, too, would love to visit Spain!

Other responses for Europe were England/Germany/Czech Republic/France/Croatia/Malta/Venice/Almalfi.
Others seemed to prefer warm locations such as Hawaii, Mexico, Maldives, and Saipan. I’d personally love to spend some time in a region where the humidity is not as bad as Japan!

Next, let's mix it up a bit.
We decided to ask everyone about time travel! If you could travel time, would you travel to the past or to the future? While it may not be realistic, we wanted to see what everyone would say!

A close call, but past was the popular answer. This is a very popular question, and it’s said that most people respond with wanting to go to the past, just as beBit employees did.

Let’s go over some of the responses as to why everyone wants to go to the past.

・I want to go to the past and fix the mistakes I made/Undo my mistakes!
・I want to feel the air of Heisei, the era I was born in, again.
・I would like to try reliving college again, in a different manner.
・I got my license after college, so I’d like to go back, get my license earlier, and travel more during my student years!
・I don’t want to go to the future as it would take the fun out of living it myself.
・There are things I’d like to tell myself.
・I love the Sengoku era, so I’d love to visit! (Although I might not survive…)
・I want to listen to the music of the past. I don’t think I’ll be able to understand the music of the future.
・I’d love to meet my grandfather whom I’ve never met, and see my father, who has passed away, again.

Now, here are some of the reasons why people want to go to the future.
・I want to see things I’ve never seen before!
・I want to meet Doraemon/Bring home Doraemon.
・I want to learn about the future, and work towards solutions now.
・I’d like to see innovation that I can’t even begin to imagine.
・I’ll eat some future curry, and quietly come back.
・I’d buy lottery tickets such as BIG and TOTO and win the jackpot!
・I’d go to the future and enjoy a beer after work.

Some things I can relate to, while others are a bit more unique. It was interesting to see people looking to “change” the future or past, and how everyone had their own preferences. Speaking of which, Doraemon’s birthday is September 13th, 2112, so it’s just about 90 years from now.


Our final topic closing this 3 part series is going to be money.
We learned many things about everyone through how they spend their days off, experiences in school, exercise preference, and their studies, but money is something that cannot be forgotten.
Take a look to see what everyone spends their money on, recent expensive purchases, and how they would spend a sudden large income.

First off, let’s take a look at their recent expensive purchases. Vacation related answers were the most popular! International vacations, staying at nice hotels, going to events, spending time with pets - the term “vacation” can mean a lot of things. The following will be the non-vacation related answers.

・A house (Super expensive!!!)
・A Louis Poulsen PH5 Pendant Lamp (So fancy!)
・Kofu City hometown tax return of 300,000 yen to be the station master for one day (I’m sure you all know who this is!)
・ICL Surgery (2 individuals responded with this!)
・A drum type washing machine/A German made drying rack (QOL improvement guaranteed!)
・Diving License/Camera/Golf Club (Great fun for leisure time!)
・Brain Sleep Pillow/Mattress (That’ll get you to sleep instantly)
・Wedding Anniversary Dinner at Aman Tokyo Alva (Lovely!)
・Took some of my juniors out to dinner (Yay! You’re the best!)
・A 5000 yen wand to enjoy the Harry Potter area at Universal Studio Japan (Wingardium Leviosa!)

Pricewise, a house is most expensive, but it appears that everyone is spending money on things to improve their quality of life. 

Next, we asked about what everyone spends the most money on besides fixed costs.

Without a doubt, the number one answer was food. Some people even asked whether food was a fixed cost or not! It happens daily, so payments occur quite a lot in terms of frequency. Besides food, there were answers such as exercise and leisure, and some even stated “splurging”! I’m curious as to what they splurge on.

And now, for our final topic. If you received 1 billion yen, how would you spend it? It might be a difficult question to answer, but we received answers such as investing, saving, buying a home/second home, and vacationing. Here are some of the other interesting responses!

・Send money to my mother, build a home, and if I have leftover money, I would save it until my daughter is older (What a thoughtful child, and thoughtful parent as well….!)
・Move to an island and live a relaxing life (Very ideal!)
・Make a craft beer brewery (I’ll definitely be visiting)
・Board games (I’d love to see board games worth a billion yen!)
・Vacationing, personal enjoyment, investing, spending on family, physical maintenance - I’ll probably think it over a bunch and spend the money very carefully (Thinking it over is part of the fun!)
・400 million in real estate, 100 million in NFT art, and the remaining 500 million for taxes, costs, and vacations (Sounds very beBit…!)
・Buy a mountain and DIY build a second home (That’s a major project)
・Build a private studio in the Shizuoka area (I’d love to visit)
・Create and provide an exciting experience (A genuine entertainer!)

Many of the answers involved making or creating. If possible, I’d love to see how beBiter’s private projects end up in the future!

How did you enjoy our 3 part series about beBit employees? Personally, I loved learning about everyone’s funny sides and ways they think outside of work. I hope that this series allows you to learn more about the people you work with, and allow you to love beBit even more. 
Last but not least, a huge thank you to everyone who responded to our survey!
