インターネット調査室: 「China’s New Submarine Missile Puts the U.S. Within Striking Distance」 <ー ?

今回は「China’s New Submarine Missile Puts the U.S. Within Striking Distance」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Popular  Mechanics : 29 Nov,2022

「China’s New Submarine Missile Puts the U.S. Within Striking Distance」:   恐ろしい〜。

The new Ju Lang-3 (JL-3) missile replaces the older JL-2 on China’s ballistic missile submarines. 

Chinese submarines cannot reach the continental U.S. from their existing patrol areas, and China would have to switch things up to hit targets as far as Salt Lake City.

米国もうかうかできませんね~。 ま、日本は以前から射程内ですけどね。

Bloomberg quotes the head of U.S. Strategic Command informing the Senate Armed Services Committee in March that the missiles could strike the continental United States “from a protected bastion within the South China Sea.”



As for the JL-3 striking the continental United States, it’s a little complicated. The missile’s range is reported to be 10,000+ kilometers, which works out to 6,213+ miles. But from the South China Sea a JL-3 missile can only hit Hawaii and Alaska,



The deployment of the JL-3 isn’t a game-changer for the strategic balance between the U.S. and China. However, the rapid replacement of the JL-2 with the JL-3 shows that China is racing to catch up to the United States in sea-based nuclear weapons. 



検索キー: China’s New Submarine Missile Puts the U.S. Within Striking Distance
