
LSE MSc Human Resouces and Organisationsの科目

英国の大学院はWeek 1が始まったところですね。今回は私が学んでいたMSc Human Resources and Organisationsの科目の一部について紹介します。同コースに進学した方や、同コースのあるDepartment of Managementのほかのコースに進学された方の参考になれば幸いです。



・おそらく年度が変わっても、授業コード(例:MG4D4)と講義名(例:Cross Cultural Management)が対応していると思いますが、断言はできないので各自ご確認ください。
・講義名が同一のものでも授業コードが異なれば、内容が異なります。(例:MG4C2 Organisational BehaviourとMG434 Organisational Behaviour)




MG480 Foundations of Human Resource Management

※HRM Streamで必須
"人的資源管理の基本的な理論を一通り学ぶ科目。職務設計、採用、給与・報酬、評価、エンゲージメント、退職、従業員の声、人材育成、キャリア開発、タレントマネジメント、戦略的人的資源管理について学ぶことができる。Harvard Business Reviewなどから課題文献も出され、最新の事例も踏まえた内容となっている(今後AIがどのように人的資源管理に影響を与えていくか等)。すでに理論を一通り学んでいる人には物足りないかもしれないが、人事マネジメントに関する理論の全体像をつかみたい人にとっては非常に有意義な科目。"

MG475 Organisational Theory

※OB Streamで必須
"This course specifically for the Organisational Behaviour stream is a macro-level course on how we can bring about change to organisations. The lectures were theory based, divided into the problem stage - why organisations are difficult to change, and the solution stage - how we can implement changes in organisations. The seminars were very practical, and we utilized the concept of design-thinking to devise the best solution for the given problem. The different tools such as simulation games and design thinking methods were innovative ways to learn about organisations. This course is less HR specific, but is helpful for anyone looking into strategy, or are looking at companies and organisations from a high-level. It aims to answer questions such as 'how does structure drive behavior?'."


MG4D5 Leadership in Organisations

"This was a course led by professor Connson Locke, with an emphasis on the practical aspects - ie how we as individuals can take the contents from the class and apply it in the real world setting. It is a Harvard style seminar, unlike the other courses, meaning that there is no differentiation between lecture and seminar but it is an discussion-based extended seminar once a week. Every class concluded with a case study, where we analyzed the problem and gave our recommendations based on the theories we'd learnt in class that day. The themes within leadership ranged from foundational leadership theories to personality, power and status, cross-cultural leadership, gender, etc. The highlight of this course was professor Connson Locke's teaching - she is a great lecturer in terms of public speaking, and her many years of practical experience outside of academia is influential in the way she teaches. It is a great course for anyone, irrespective of leadership aspirations because learning the skills needed to be a good leader also apply to being a good team member too."

MG4D4 Cross cultural management

"前半5週で異文化理解に関する様々な理論・フレームワークを学び、後半5週でグループプロジェクトと個人プロジェクトを通じて、その理論やフレームワークを実体験しながら習得するという構成。グループプロジェクトは、自分たちが選択した3カ国の特徴をデータや文献等を用いて比較し、個人プロジェクトは、自身が選択した1カ国につきインタビューを通じて文化的特徴をより深く理解するというもの。Hofstede やGLOBE 、World Values Survey(WVS) といった様々な文化的な価値観の違いを比較した指標を学ぶことができる。"

MG473 Negotiation Analysis

"The most important fact I learned in this course is that negotiations is not about winning or losing, it is about coming to an agreement where all parties are satisfied. There is a lot of reading to do in this course and the session is 3 hours because lecture and seminar are one after the other. During the seminar, you must actively negotiate with other students, and it is encouraged to negotiate with different students ever week. This can leave you at a disadvantage is you do not master the English language. After the negotiation is completed, you have to report your results and write a journal entry, which you will be graded on. The course is great because the lessons you learn can be applied to your personal career in various factors. From how to negotiate your salary to representing your companies interests in coalitions or mediation."

MG4J9 Responsible Digital Innovation: Ethics at Work

"The course is part of the MISDI (Management of Information Systems & Digital Innovation) but it is open to all students. If you are interested is the ethics behind the creation of technology that directly affect human lives, this would be a great course for you. Topics of responsibility and accountability are discussed through the course, making you really think about the implications technologies have in the workplace. Though there is no direct correlation to HR in the course, there is space for you to connect what you learn back to HR practices. The reading is very light in this course and the seminars are very interactive. You get to discuss what you read, the lecture, and your general views towards the week’s topic freely and openly."


