
英語ビジネス書籍紹介:日英両文で読む「Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You're Put on the Spot」の要約

こちらの記事では、Matt Abrahams 著の書籍「Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You're Put on the Spot」という書籍をご紹介します。

Chat GPTによる書籍の内容の要約

「Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You're Put on the Spot」は、スタンフォード大学の講師でありポッドキャストホストのMatt Abrahamsによって書かれた書籍で、即興でのコミュニケーションスキルを向上させるための実践的なガイドです。

"Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You're Put on the Spot" is a book written by Matt Abrahams, a Stanford University lecturer and podcast host, providing a practical guide to improving impromptu communication skills.


The book explains effective speech methods in unexpected situations using scientific strategies and provides six points to help those who feel anxious communicate calmly and persuasively.


The main contents are as follows:


Managing Anxiety: Learning how to control tension and anxiety enables confident speaking even in impromptu situations.


Understanding the Situation: Developing skills to appropriately respond to the atmosphere and audience reactions allows for more effective communication.


Simplifying Content: Refining the ability to convey complex information simply and clearly ensures the audience easily understands the message.


Practicing Improvisation: Simulating real situations and repetitive practice enhance impromptu speaking skills.


Improving Self-Awareness: Paying attention to one’s speaking style and body language increases self-awareness for more effective presentations.


Utilizing Feedback: Actively accepting feedback from others and learning methods to improve one’s communication style.


This book offers specific methods and mindsets to reduce the fear of impromptu speaking and to speak confidently.


You will be able to acquire communication skills that are useful not only in business scenes but also in daily life.


  1. Impromptu - 即興の

  2. Anxiety - 不安

  3. Persuasively - 説得力を持って

  4. Strategies - 戦略

  5. Situations - 状況

  6. Communicate - 伝える

  7. Tension - 緊張

  8. Atmosphere - 雰囲気

  9. Refining - 洗練する

  10. Simulating - シミュレートする

  11. Repetitive - 繰り返しの

  12. Self-Awareness - 自己認識

  13. Feedback - フィードバック

  14. Mindsets - 心構え

  15. Acquiring - 習得する
