
英語ビジネス書籍紹介:日英両文で読む「Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity」の要約

こちらの記事では、Kim Scott著の「Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity」という書籍をご紹介します。

Chat GPTによる書籍の内容の要約

キム・スコット著の「Radical Candor: Fully Revised & Updated Edition: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity」は、効果的なリーダーシップの基本原則と、職場でのコミュニケーションの向上に焦点を当てた実践的なガイドです。

"Radical Candor: Fully Revised & Updated Edition: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity" by Kim Scott is a practical guide focusing on the fundamental principles of effective leadership and improving workplace communication.


The book is based on the author's experiences at Google and Apple, emphasizing the importance of candid yet compassionate communication.


The following is a summary.

1. 根本的な誠実さの概念

1. The Concept of Radical Candor

「Radical Candor」とは、率直でありながらも配慮あるフィードバックを意味します。

"Radical Candor" means feedback that is both candid and considerate.


It encourages communicating the truth candidly while respecting others' feelings.


This approach is essential for building trust and maximizing team performance.

2. 誠実さと配慮のバランス

2. Balancing Candor and Compassion


Scott states that the biggest challenge leaders face is balancing candor and compassion.


Being too candid can seem harsh, while being too compassionate can lead to ambiguity and hesitation.

Radical Candorは、このバランスを適切に保つためのフレームワークを提供します。

Radical Candor provides a framework for maintaining this balance appropriately.

3. フィードバックの4つの象限

3. The Four Quadrants of Feedback


Scott classifies feedback into four quadrants:

  • Radical Candor(根本的な誠実さ): 思いやりがあり、率直。

  • Radical Candor: Compassionate and candid.

  • Obnoxious Aggression(不快な攻撃性): 率直だが思いやりがない。

  • Obnoxious Aggression: Candid but not compassionate.

  • Ruinous Empathy(破壊的な共感): 思いやりはあるが率直ではない。

  • Ruinous Empathy: Compassionate but not candid.

  • Manipulative Insincerity(操作的な不誠実): 思いやりも率直さもない。

  • Manipulative Insincerity: Neither compassionate nor candid.

リーダーは「Radical Candor」の象限を目指すべきだと説いています。

Leaders should aim for the "Radical Candor" quadrant.

4. 実践的なアドバイス

4. Practical Advice


Scott provides specific methods for delivering effective feedback.


The following steps are important:

  • 関心を示す: 部下の個人的な生活やキャリア目標に関心を持ち、信頼関係を築く。

  • Show Interest: Show concern for your subordinates' personal lives and career goals to build trust.

  • 直接的なコミュニケーション: 誠実かつ具体的にフィードバックを提供する。

  • Direct Communication: Provide honest and specific feedback.

  • 感情の管理: 自分の感情を理解し、冷静にフィードバックを行う。

  • Manage Emotions: Understand and control your emotions to deliver feedback calmly.

5. フィードバックの文化を築く

5. Building a Feedback Culture


The book also explains strategies for instilling a feedback culture throughout the organization.


This includes leaders setting an example and showing a willingness to receive feedback.


Regular feedback sessions are also recommended.

6. 成長と学習を促進

6. Promoting Growth and Learning

Radical Candorの実践は、個人の成長と学習を促進します。

Practicing Radical Candor promotes individual growth and learning.


Candid and compassionate feedback is a powerful tool for highlighting strengths and clarifying areas for improvement.



「Radical Candor」は、リーダーシップとコミュニケーションの質を向上させるための実践的なガイドです。

"Radical Candor" is a practical guide to enhancing the quality of leadership and communication.


Kim Scott's approach shows how to maintain a balance of candor and compassion while building trust and improving overall team performance.


This book will be a valuable resource for anyone aiming for effective leadership.


  • Candid - 率直な

  • Compassionate - 思いやりのある

  • Ambiguity - 曖昧さ

  • Hesitation - 遠慮

  • Framework - 枠組み

  • Quadrants - 象限

  • Instilling - 浸透させる

  • Subordinates - 部下

  • Instilling - 浸透させる

  • Willingness - 意欲

  • Highlighting - 強調する

  • Clarifying - 明確にする

  • Promoting - 促進する

  • Feedback - フィードバック

  • Instill - 浸透させる
