
英語ビジネス書籍紹介:日英両文で読む「Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High」の要約

こちらの記事では、Kerry Patterson、Joseph Grenny、Ron McMillan、Al Switzler 著の「Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High」という書籍をご紹介します。

Chat GPTによる書籍の内容の要約

『Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High』は、Kerry Patterson、Joseph Grenny、Ron McMillan、Al Switzlerによって執筆された、重要な対話を効果的に行うためのツールやテクニックを提供する書籍です。

"Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High" is a book written by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler that provides tools and techniques for effectively conducting crucial conversations.


The main content of this book can be summarized in the following points.

1. 重要な対話とは

1. What are crucial conversations?


Crucial conversations are those that occur when opinions differ, emotions run strong, and the outcomes are significant.


These conversations can take place in various settings such as the workplace, at home, or among friends.

2. 安全な環境の構築

2. Creating a Safe Environment


To conduct an effective conversation, it is important to create a safe environment.


Respecting the other person's feelings and opinions, and accepting them without criticism, is essential to ensure they feel safe to express themselves.

3. 自分の心情を確認する

3. Checking Your Own Emotions


Before entering into a conversation, it is necessary to check your own emotions and ensure you are in a calm state.


Effective communication becomes difficult when emotions are running high.

4. ストーリーを共有する

4. Sharing Your Story


Sharing your perspective and experiences as a story makes it easier for the other person to understand your intentions and background.


Listening to the other person's story also helps in building a shared understanding.

5. 対話の技術

5. Dialogue Techniques


Specific dialogue techniques include the following points:

  • 意図を明確にする: 何を伝えたいのか、何を達成したいのかを明確にする。

  • Clarify Your Intentions: Make clear what you want to communicate and what you aim to achieve.

  • 相手の意見を尊重する: 相手の意見を尊重し、真摯に耳を傾ける。

  • Respect the Other Person's Opinions: Respect the other person's opinions and listen sincerely.

  • 質問する: 相手の意見や考えを引き出すために、適切な質問をする。

  • Ask Questions: Ask appropriate questions to elicit the other person's opinions and thoughts.

6. コンテンツとプロセス

6. Content and Process


It is important to pay attention not only to the content of the conversation but also to the process of how it progresses.


Skills are needed to summarize and organize discussions at appropriate times to ensure the conversation progresses constructively.

7. 応用と実践

7. Application and Practice


The skills learned from this book can be applied in various everyday situations.


By repeatedly practicing in real conversations and receiving feedback, you can improve your skills.



『Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High』は、重要な対話を成功させるための実践的なツールと技術を提供する書籍です。

"Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High" is a book that provides practical tools and techniques to succeed in crucial conversations.


By creating a safe environment, checking your emotions, sharing stories, and mastering specific dialogue techniques, you can resolve conflicts and achieve constructive outcomes.


  • Crucial - 重要な

  • Conducting - 行う

  • Outcomes - 結果

  • Settings - 環境

  • Criticism - 批判

  • Perspective - 視点

  • Elicit - 引き出す

  • Constructively - 建設的に

  • Summarize - まとめる

  • Progresses - 進行する

  • Feedback - フィードバック

  • Repeatedly - 繰り返し

  • Sincerely - 真摯に

  • Mastering - 習得する

  • Achieve - 達成する
