
堅城と名将 The strong castle and a great samurai



1 箕輪城訪問
































2 真田との逸話



































English version.

During the warring states era, around 16 century, in Joshu, now Gunma prefecture, some powerful lords battled each others. I wrote about it in another article about Kanayama castle too.

1 Minowa castle

Hojo, Takeda, Uesugi and Oda such powerful lords came to Joshu by turn each time, samurai in Joshu must be worried that who to follow. Because if they chose wrong lords, they and their family would be killed.

Among such samurai, Nagano Narimasa followed Uesugi almost whole of his life and protected his domain from Takeda Shingen. His main castle was Minowa castle and the ruin of it is in Misato town in Gunma prefecture.

Around the castle, there are some parking lots, I recommend Karamete gate castle, Karamete means back door. Since it is wide and open area so many people might watch your car.

Nagano Narinao built the castle in 1512, the 9th year of Eisho, samurai around this area was called Minowashu, Nagano family was the leader of it.

They were said that the descendants of Ariwarano Narihira who was a famous poet in Heian period. I feel such poet's descendants became powerful samurai is rare case.

Nagano Narimasa is the most famous samurai in the family but he is not so popular even among Japanese. He belonged to Yamanouchi-Uesugi family but after Uesugi Norimasa escaped to Echigo, now Niigata prefecture, Narimasa became independent lord. He didn't belong to Hojo family. After Nagao Kagetora suceeded Uesugi family and changed his name Uesugi Kenshin, Narimasa belonged to him and fought for him against Takeda Shingen to protect Joshu.

Shingen said, during Narimasa is alive, we can't invade Joshu.

His main castle was Minowa castle and this castle was strong.

In Inari-kuruwa area, there is a small hill. I guess they must enshrine Inari deity. I saw such place in Kanayama castle too. Samurai must need such invisible power to protect castle and prayed. Now they enshrine Fudo myoo.

After I prayed. I went to the main area of the castle.

I saw the big gap which was dug by only people, rebuilt wooden bridge and the gate.

You might think it is easy to understand the castle or some of you might feel it is a kind of breaking the ruin.

They say Nagano Narimasa governed this area very well so people around the castle liked him. After Narimasa past away in his age 71, Takeda Shingen attacked the castle strongly. Narimasa's 3rd son Narimori couldn't protect here and killed himself.

From the bottom of the well in Gozen-kuruwa area, they found tomb stone of Nagano family. Why from there? After the castle fell, Takeda samurai threw it? or before the fell down, Nagano samurai might throw it to hide the stone?

Or it might be a kind of magic?

As Shingen said, during Narimasa was alive, Takeda couldn't invade Joshu at all.

After that this castle belonged to Takeda, Hojo, finally Tokugawa Ieyasu became the master of Kanto region, his man Ii Naomasa became the master of this castle. After Naomasa built a new castle in Takasaki, this castle was abandoned. 

We can see the stone wall that might be built during Ii Naomasa stayed here in Sannomaru area.

After that some of Nagano family survived and they belonged to Ii family and after Ii moved to Hikone, in Shiga prefecture now, they moved to there too and worked as the Karo, high class samurai generation to generations.

You can watch the video of Minowa castle.

2 Some stories with Sanada

Under Nagano Narimasa, there was a famous sword master Kamiizumi Nobutuna who was the founder of Shinkage sect. Sanada Yukitsuna was there too.

He was the father of Masayuki who was called the trick star, and the grand father of Yukimura, another name is Nobushige.

Yukitsuna lost his domain by Murakami Yoshikiyo after that he escaped to Joshu and relied on Nagano Narimasa. During he stayed Joshu,Takeda Harunobu, later he became Shingen, from Kai 'now Yamanashi prefecture, became a powerful lord.

Yukitsuna thought if he belonged to Harunobu, he might get back his domain from Murakami Yoshikiyo. But he didn't do it right away because he belonged to Narimasa then.

So he pretended sick then Narimasa sent a message. 

"I heard there is good medicine in Kanra area so why don't you go and find it?"

Then Yukitsuna decided that he went to there and run away.

When he came to Shimonita, he saw some horse back men so he thought Narimasa sent them to kill Yukitsuna.

But actually they were Yukitsuna's family and his men.

They broght their belongings too

It means Narimasa made Yukitsuna go to Kai since he guessed Yukitsuna's mind. 

"After you belong to Takeda, we might be enemies, but tell Harunobu, during I am alive, your soldiers are not able to invade Josh"

It was Narimasa's farewell message.

If Nagano Narimasa was not , Masayuki, the trick star, Yukimura who became famous in Battles in Osaka later and Matsushiro-Sanada family which was founded by Nobuyuki, in the end of the Edo period, Sakuma Shozan came from there, were not exist.

This story was in the book "Meisho- Genkoroku" that was written in the Edo period. Some people say it is doubtful story but I think it is not important this story was true or not. 

There might be a similar story or someone might made up it. But if it was a fiction, I think the author wished it might be true. I think it is a kind of interesting point of history.

It is not interesting that we can't find the proof or it is doubtful.

3 Think about now

When I heard the story between Nagano Narimasa and Sanada Yukitsuna, I remembered my experiences.

When someone leaves a company, there might be some people who can't send such one with smile.

They must say, 

"I had taken care of you very much" "I am not very proud of you"

and send him away. I feel such people were often in higher positions.

I think leavers must have their reasons and decisions. But such people can't think about them and say bad things with their bad feelings. They can't say good bye with smile,

Unfortunately I saw some such people. I guess some of you might have similar experiences or you might do such things to someone.

Samurai must know their feelings.

I think Nagano Narimasa didn't think about only himself he could think about others.

We shouldn't think only about us, think about others and when we have to break up, we should smile and say good bye. Such way is good for each others. And when we meet someday, the relationship would go on smothly.

Actuaslly there is a story that Nagano Narimasa and Sanada Yukitsune met after Yukitsuna left.

When Narimasa got sick, Yukitsuna visited. 

Yukitsuna might think he should say thank you before Narimasa leave the world.

Then Narimasa advised that Yukitsuna should attack Numata castle in Tone area if you want Joshu. Actually the master of Numata castle Numata Kageyasu was a son in low of Narimasa. He had 12 daughters.

Kageyasu treated Narmasa's daughter Badly and wanted his mistress's son to be the heir. Narimasa must not forgive such man so he might ask Yukitsuna to attack Numata instead of him. Because he was sick and couold'nt move.

After that Sanada family attacked Iwabitsu castle in Agatsuma area and Numata castle in Tone area those were next to northern Shinano as Narimasa's advice. And those areas became domains of Sanada.

I think some people who believe only things in certain documents would say this story is a fiction too. But in fact Sanada family got such area. So I think it is fun to think about such story.

If Yukitsuna himself didn't meet Narimasa, they might send letters each others or Yukitsuna might send a messenger secretly.

I heard the detective Conan said in his movie, "There is only one truth always"

But I don't think so. I think the only one thing is fact. There might be many truths for everyone.

I don't mean any story should be accepted. Slapstick stories or lies which hurt someone should not be accepted. But I think interesting or funny truths might be existed.

Few years ago when I wrote a story about history in a social media not this note, someone said to me that story is a fiction. I don't like such attitude.

So I wrote this sentence to protect myself.

Why don't we have open mind to accept somone's truths?
