
















English version.

There had been frequent earthquakes at Matsushiro from August 3rd of 1965, the 40th year of Showa to 1970. There were about 60000 times earthquakes for 5 years and 6 months.  Fortunately no one died but 15 people were injured. They said that the epicenter was Mt. Minakami in Matsushiro town in Nagano city. This is the independent peak it is not belongs to any mountain ranges. And they say this mountain is the oldest pyramid in the world. But it is not mad by piled stones actually it looks just a mountain. Why is this mountain called the oldest pyramid? We can see the answer at the shrine on the summit.
Although this is a mountain, it is not so high and there is the paved road to the shrine on the top. We can drive there. I saw another shrine on the way to the summit.

Iwato shrine.

There are stone steps to the hall.

I heard this is the entrance to the inside of the pyramid. It looks like the stone room of the ancient tomb. Inside is closed by stones so we can't enter the inside of the pyramid. It might be needed a secret spell ?
After I prayed at the shrine, I went up to the top of the mountain. Finaly I got there.

This is Kumano Izuhayao shrine. Over the Zuishinmon-gate, there is the main shrine. Mt. Minakami is the sanctuary of Shugendo sect. This shrine was said built in 718 A.D. the 2nd year of Yoro. That time is called Nara period.
They enshrine Izuhayaonomikoto, Izamaginomikoto, Izanaminomikoto Hayatamaonomikoto and Yomotsukotosakanoonomikoto. But there are some others. 
Before I prayed at this shrine, I saw the legend at the parking lot. It said about this mountain and this shrine. It is hard to believe.

It is hard to read because some letters are lost. But I realized that this bord says Mt. Minakami was made as a pyramid in the ancient time. It asserts that.
It doesn't use may or might. It asserts that is the true.
They made the pyramid by anti-gravity. This was not the tomb this pyramid was the base of spaceships. Susanoonomikoto made the pyramid. He was famous for Japanese myth. But it is not he, it was the group name for neanderthal men. I guess you can watch the bord clearly on the video from Youtube.


Back to the shrine, there are some other shrines around here for example Tenmangu shrine, Sengen shrine and so on.

And I found some stone monuments. There are some amazing things on them.

They engraved that all deities in the world gathered here. Minakami meand all deities. That is why this mountain is called so. And I saw another monumant.

There is Deguchi Onisaburo's poem on the stone. he was one of the founders of Ohmoto, a kind of religion. 
I thought this shrine was very special. It might be true this was the base of spaceships in the ancient as the bord says. I saw the symbolic one near the main shrine.

There was a pot why? But I felt this is a kind of a symbol of the spaceship.
I thought there are many historical things those are unknown or hidden. This mountain made me feel such a thing.

Unfortunate Co,,, something therter.

On this day, some musicians played Japanese traditional instrument, Biwa.
They played and sang Heike-Monogatati. I thought this story have been passed on by this way. I listened to it.
I heard that if we could hear some music or sound from shrine, it means the deity welcomes us. I also heard if we could see some living things in the shrine, it means the deity welcomes us too. This day I saw some big frogs in the pond and back of the Sengen-shrine, I saw a sneak. Those were amphibian and reptiles but living things.

I was said please come in the shrine, but I replied I am fine. And I listened to music outside. Although I was not said but I was afraid that I might be said please wear a ma〇k if you entre there. If I was told it, I had to decline. I didn't want to have such conversation. That's why I listened to it outside of the shrine.
Japan government said that we don't need to wear masks outside.
So I listened to it outside without stuffy.
A woman worn a mask came to listen few minutes later, she asked 
Don't you enter? But I said I am fine.
I wish someday we can enjoy music without such consideration.
