
天下の義人 茂左衛門


























English vertion
I guess every Gunma people must know Jomo Karuta which is a kind of card game from their heart ,mind ? or DNA?
I heard they are taught it in their elementary school days. Is it a kind of brain washing?
Although they know every cards, they don't know much about details.
One of cards say "The states mas Mozaemon" I guess some people don't know who is Mozaemon? what he did? or when he died?
SUgiki Mozaemon was not a brave samurai in the warring states period nor a states man in the end of the Edo period, actually he was a farmer so not only Gunma but also all over Japan he is not famous.
So some Gunma people know him as a man in the card.
But he saved many people so I think he must be famous more so I would like to write about him.
Before write about Mozaemon, I have to write about Numata or Tone area where he was born and lived.

In the early Edo period, Sanada family governed Numata. Sanada Nobuyuki who was the first son of Sanada Masayuki who was called the trickster, and Nobuyuki's brother was a famous samurai Yukimura has governed the domain from Ueda in Shinano, now the northern part of Nagano prefecture now to Numata, now the northern part of Gunma. He was ordered to change his domain to Matsushiro but around Numata was remained to his domain. Nobuyoshi who was the first son of Nobuyuki became the lord of Numata.
He was the first son but his mother was not Nobuyuki's proper wife Komatshuhima who was a daughter of Honda Tadakatsu. I mean he was not admitted the legitimate son, So he was not the heir of Sanada family.
You can watch the video about Komatsuhime and Numata castle from the URL below.


Nobuyoshi had 2 sons, Kumanosuke and Heikichi. After Nobuyoshi died, Kumanosuke became the master of Numata but he was a child. And he died in 1638 the 15th year of Kanei. Then Heikichi was 3 years old. 
So their uncle Nobumasa became the master.
of Numata.
Heikichi lived in Ogawa castle with his mother.
And he was given 5000 koku every year ,koku is a measure of rice.
In the Edo period,they showed the power of samurai by it.
After Heikichi became the adult, he inherited the master of Numata, he occurred some troubles.
Nubumasa inherited Matsushiro, Heikichi changed his name Nobutoshi or Nobunao and was given the official position of Iganokami. He became a feudal lord as 30000 koku. He might be lived as only 5000 koku samurai, but he could be a lord. He was a kind of lucky but he had bigger ambition.
Since his real name was not clear, Nobutoshi or Nubunao so I would like to call him Iganokami from here.

As he was a grand son of the 1st son of Nobuyuki who was the master of Matsushiro, he thought he could be the master of Mastsushiro it meant he could be the head master of all Sanada family.
During the Edo period, there was the rule among samurai, the 1st son should be the master of the family so he said to the shogunate he had the right to inherit Mastsushiro. 

Mastsushiro Sanada had 100000 koku but Numata had 30000 koku the gap was over 3 times besides Numata was only branch of Matsushiro. I guess he was not satisfied to it.
One of executives, Sakai Tadakiyo who was the master of Maebashi castle, and Iganokami's wife came from Yamauchi family ,the lord of Tosa, now Kouchi prefecture so Ymauchi family stood for him. Even so the shogunate didn't accepted his request. But they decided that Numata Sanada family should independent from Matsushiro. It means Iganokami became the proper Daimyo, the lord. I guess the shogunate didn't allowed Iganokami became the master of Matsushiro instead of it he should be the independent lord. But he was not satisfied to it.
So he thought Numata Sanada family should be bigger than Matsushiro. As I mentioned, Koku showed the power of samurai and lords. So he measured his domain again. He calculated 144000 koku among mountains. But actually they could not cultured such area so it was not correct. Even so he declared it to the shogunate. As a result, Numata became bigger than Matsushiro. But becoming bigger means their burden should be bigger too. 
They should hire more samurai or might be ordered some constructions by the shogunate. Actually Numata Sanada family was ordered to rebuild Ryogoku bridge.
People in his domain had to pay such costs.
Some of farmers who couldn't offer rice as tax were soaked into cold ponds in winters as a punishment.
There are some ponds where were said the ruins of it in Agatsuma area.

But such ponds were remained only in Agatsuma area where was a part of Numata domein. In Tone area where is the main area of Numata there are no such remains. So some people say those were used by Saito family, they were the ruler of Agatsuma area during the warring states period. So someone might begin to say those were used Iganokami to exaggerate his bad policy.
i am not sure which is true.
And some of his men cut woods from mountains in Tatebayashi domain without permission because of shortage of woods. At that time the master of Tatebayashi was TokugawaTsunayoshi later he became the 5th shogun.
Sugiki Mozaemon dicided to save people in Numata from Iganokami"s bad policy. Oh I mentioned the hero of this story finally.
He was a middle class farmer but some people say his family had been samurai because he had a family name since the Edo period, farmers were not allowed to use their family names. His family might be samurai but for some reason, they became farmers. 
Anyway Mozaemon thought he should say those bad policy to the shogunate.
Such act was called Jikiso in Japanese.
Jikiso remainds me that few years ago, a politisian Yamamoto Taro did it to the Emperor in the party of the Imperial family. But in the Edo period, the situation was not same in the present days.
From lords, Jikiso means their people say their bad manners to the shogunate directly so their prides should be damaged.
People who did it had some risk. Even their demand was accepted, they had to pay something. It mean they had to pay their lives.
Mozaemon went to Edo and visited Sakai Tadakiyo's residence. As I mentioned he was the master of Maebashi where was in Kouzuke province. Numata was in the same province and then he became the top of executives so Mozaemon thought Tadakiyo should help him but he was driven away.
When Iganokami wanted to the master of Matsushiro, Tadakiyo stood for him it was a reason?
Even so Mozaemon didn't give up.
Then he forgot a box at the inn he had stayed. In the box, there was a document of Jikiso and he depicted the emblem of Rinouji temple. Rinnouji was a temple belonged to Kaneiji temple in Ueno. The master of it should be princes of the Imperial family. It was a kind of hostage?
The master of the inn thought Mozaemon was staff of the temple so he brought the box to the temple. Monks of the temple saw the inside of the box and found there was the document so they offered it to the shogunate.
Finally Mozaemon's document were showed to executives and shogun.
So they decided Numata Sanada family should be punushed as their bad policy and when they were ordered to rebuild Ryogoku brigde, they couldn't brought enough woods and so on. Iganokami was dismissed  the lord and ordered to go to Yamagata, Okudaira family's domain. His sons were ordered to go to Akou where was Asano family's domain, Gujo where was Todo familhy's domain, and Ueda Sengoku family's domain. 3 exectutives of Numata were ordered to Harakiri. So people in Numata were released from Iganokami.
After that the shogunate measured Numata again it was only 60000 koku. But Iganokami declared 144000 koku. the gap is over twice. It means tax should be over 2 times. 
Every lords declared fewer koku ordinally because if they declared much koku they should hire more samurai and the shogunate might order more constructions. 
Such constructions of infrastructures should be paid by lords. So when they were ordered them, they should pay all of costs. 
And Koku was not only a measure of positions and how big their domains but also the base of how many samurai should be hired. If they had bigger Koku they should hire more samurai. I heard that 10000 koku means they should hire 250 samurai. but 250 is only the number of samurai. Samurai's family and men were not included. so the number of dependents should be bigger. And samurai could not earn any money so costs for such people should be bigger and bigger. Numata people had to pay such burden 
people were released from it but there was a risk as I mentioned.
When Mozaemon returned from Edo to Tone area, he was caught at Sodehurizaka and punished by crucifixion at the river side of Tone river. Not only him his family were punished too.
Some people say the messanger from Edo were going to there to release Mozaemon but he couldn't be on time.
I guess Numata Sanada family was dismmised not only the bad policy but also mistakes of Ryogoku brigde construction and some reasons. Ao basiccaly Jikiso should be punished but not by the capital punishment by exile or so.

If I would do it, It should be clear I should be punished even so I had to do it.
Yoshida Shoin said so. Mozaemon lived about 200 years before Shoin but he did similar thing to save people and abandoned his life. 

Gakurinji temple is his home temple.

In the back of Jomokogen station, while summer we can watch fireflies around there. Gakurinji temple is surrounded by green.
It is not relate to Mozaemon but they enshrined masters of Ogawa castle and there is a hall which is called Okoma dou.
That hall is relate to Okoma case in Ooka seidan.
It says that the middle of Edo period, a famous samurai Ohoka Echizen judged the case. A good looking woman Okoma who was a wife of rich merchant hated his bad looking husband and wanted to get married to a good looking and rich man. So she made up here husband's love affair and exile him but she failed so she tried to kill him. And her mother took part in it. Fear women.
Okoma's father offered the hall. it is called Okomadou. He came from Kouzuke province that should be the reason.
The case happened in Edo? But I guess Okoma's father inherited the merchant family as a groom like Okoma's husband. In old days samurai family should be inherited by sons but merchant family should be daughter's husband.  Because they could select a smart man to be the succesor. 
It is later days story but in Oda Sakunosuke's novel, Meotozenzai, we can see such cases. The hero of it was a son merchant but his sister got married to a smart guy so he had to be independent.

Back to Mozaemon's story. 
Not only himself but also his family were killed to save many people. So people in the area were thanked and built a temple on the hill where the upper side of Tone river. It is called Sennichidou. Sennichi means 1000 days in Japanese. as the name says, they had done Buddist ceremony 1000 days for Mozaemon and his family.


And they built another temple Okunoin at Sodehurizaka whee Mozaemon was caught.


You can watch the video when I visited such spots from the URL below.


It is a digression but in front of Sennichidou temple, there was a poster it said that "when you enter the inside of the hall, please wear m●sk"
I often such warnings everywhere these days.
After the election was over, they began to say the pandemic again. I couldn't believe it anymore.
But there are many people who think m●sk could prtect them everything. They should be mad. 
I would like to say that people who was infected had not worn m●sk?
They must wear it but it was no use. Why they could think in such a way?
I wonder of them.
Mozaemon did Jikiso to save people. But I thought the place where enshrined him takes part of the bad policy of the present days.
I hope there might be Mozaemon in Reiwa period. 
But the government has that policy so Jikiso couldn't be effective.
I think the Edo shogunate was much better than Japan government now.

