

**Englsih is below**











I have always believed that there is power in human prayer. I believed that through prayer, human beings could connect with the power of the invisible, the power of something greater than human existence.

Recently, however, I have changed my mind. Prayer, the act itself, does not have meaning or power. It is the vibrations we share with others on a daily basis that have power, not the act of gathering in a specific place to express our gratitude and wishes toward a specific object.

That said, we can't always maintain good vibrations. Life is full of ups and downs, and we can't always stay within our own world.
I think we all remember the worst phases of our lives, even if we don't talk about them. When I was in those days, was I even aware of the vibrations I was giving off? If you ask me, my answer is of course no.

However, I have recently heard that good vibrations and strong vibrations are similar but different. Good vibrations are probably those in which you and those around you are comfortable.
Then, what is a strong one? It seems to be "the vibrations with a wide range of amplitude”

The only way to increase the range of vibrations is to renew one's best and worst points of experiences.
In other words, it needs one's highest joy and excitement as well as one's lowest sadness, anger, and anxiety in the history to train the vibrations.

When life knocks you down, you can cry and dwell all you want. If someone tells you you are weak and irresponsible, you just can say “yes, I'm sorry.” If you are affected by news images that you can't bear to watch and you can't shake off the feeling of hopelessness, just live with that feeling for a while.

That state, which is not pleasant, may not be good vibrations, but it is always a training time on your vibrations and make them stronger.
Don't regret that it has smouldered for years. It was a time of training. I don't want you to think that you have wasted your time by not getting up quickly enough.

And after spreading negative vibrations all around you, you can do what you can do for others and society with your strongly trained vibrations.
I think that is what going on with life.

“we should not live our lives so that we don't cause trouble to others, but rather forgive others for the trouble they cause us. Because we are creatures who cannot live without causing trouble to others”
That is what they teach children in India, I heard.

Let's be generous with our own emotional fluctuations. It happens simply because youre a human.
