

This week, I would like to talk about a controversial topic, which intensified over the past few weeks.

One month ago, a second nationwide lockdown has been announced in France: considered "unnecessary" shops (unable to buy medications or food) were forced to close, and only some supermarket departments were allowed to open, considered as prior for the population.

Naturally, people turned to e-commerce alternative, ordering on some national platforms (C-Discount. Fnac...) but essentially on Amazon. During Black Friday and Cyber Monday month, French people tend to buy more products than usual because of big discounts and Christmas celebrations, without spending too much money, especially with these hard times facing Coronavirus. 

However, merchants' associations deemed Amazon's practices to be unfair competition. Amazon has always been a hot topic (labor rules, unpaid taxes), a boycott wave created by many woke citizens; but this year the phenomenon intensifies, by claiming an Amazon tax and postpone - or cancel - Black Friday sales.


Another citizen's movement emerged, #NoëlSansAmazon (literally "Christmas without Amazon") where people and ONG committed to not buy anything from the website during the end of the year's celebrations.

In that case, where and how to buy books, games, or other entertaining products that people usually offer for the Christmas celebration? How to overcome such an efficient service, during a lockdown?

Libraries and some other shops congregated to create a "Click&Collect" service, where people can support their local businesses and still purchase "non-essential" goods. Supporting local shop and products are not just a trend but a movement (same article here about Made in France trend).

Nevertheless, despite Black Friday (with hot releases such as new phones or the PS5) and coming Christmas celebrations, the COVID crisis woke up citizens and made French people conscious about necessary products for everyday life: "do I really need that ?", which prevents from bad buying habits.

Mostly, French people buy on Amazon for a quick and convenient service: however, except on Black Friday, products remain at the same price. For books, it differs: a book has to cost the same price, whether the shop (because of an established law since 1981).

Even if I do not live in France anymore, I find it very interesting to observe this current phenomenon from Japan, a far perspective. French people care a lot about what they buy, especially 20~40 years old generation, like a global awareness due to environmental and economic issues. And this movement is spreading in all Europe, to worldwide.
