Covid-19 コロナ期間に日本へ帰国するとこんな感じだった。Going Back To Japan During Pandemic


Do you need to go back to Japan and your home is rural area or no one will be able to pick you up from the airport?
In that case you have to stay in Tokyo for 14 days before you go back to your home.

私は所持していたビザの期限の関係で約5年半過ごしたオーストラリアを離れ、2020年6月半ばに日本に帰国しました。実家が地方にあるので 実は今、羽田空港近辺のホテルで自己隔離中です。

I just came back to Japan in middle of June 2020 from 5 years staying in Australia. My hometown is Shikoku and i have no way to go back home without any public transport from Haneda airport. So i am staying at a hotel room near Haneda airport at the moment.


I was pretty worried about flying back to Japan during this Covid-19 pandemic so i am going to tell you my experience Flying from Brisbane to Haneda airport and to this small hotel room.
Just reminder that this is my experience and it was different from what i saw other people's experiences on Youtube or Blog. Please keep in mind that everyone has a different experience.


I lived in Brisbane AUS and there was just 1 way to go back to Japan directly. It was Sydney to Haneda Airport 3 times a week by ANA.

ブリスベン発シドニー着のカンタス国内線は満員で、Social Distanceなどの配慮はありませんでした。荷物の預け入れ手続きも自分で行います。機械が荷物を測るので、計量オーバーを大目に見てくれるというラッキーは期待しないようパッキングした方がいいと思います。

So i had to take a domestic flight from Brisbane to Sydney.
You have to check-in and do your luggages by yourself using a machine as not many grand assistants are working at the airport at this moment.
The Domestic flight by Qantas was literally FULL.
There was no way to have Social Distance in that plain.


I had 4.5 hour until the flight to Japan at Sydney Airport. The airport was super empty but still i could find a few shops open at the food court. So i could hit to Hungry Jack before leaving lovely Australia 💗


I waited for more than 30min to check-in at ANA counter as there were many people flying to Japan. some of them were for transit to other country.
I thought there were not many people in the plain and i could lie down on the seats but
No, they arranged the middle seats empty [*mostly] but other than that they were full of passengers.

The aircraft was great that it changes the air in the craft every 3min so always you are in fresh air.
And also i was pretty satisfied with the service of CAs of ANA. [Especially i was in Australia for long time without coming back to Japan so.. i felt very comfortable during the flight .]


When we landed in Japan , we had to wait for a while to get out of the aircraft for safety. It took me about 30min. Then we all had to sit down and listen to a staff from gov? They tell you what to do next, where to contact when you get symptoms , what not to do etc.

Everything was in Japanese but i think if you don't understand Japanese,
you can have an assistant to translate for you.
And next, we were tested PCR and we had to wait the result at the Airport. After that we took a bus and they send each one of us to each hotels near airpot which YOU HAVE TO BOOK YOURSELF.


I landed on Japan 5:30am and i arrived at a hotel 5pm.
So it took me 11hours at the Haneda Airport waiting.


Sadly we could not have breakfast even though we got there early morning.
We got a small lunch box and a bottle of water or tea for free.
There were vending machines, you can use your credit card for drink but snuck vending machine accepts just Japanese coin only so i could not have any food.

I was so tired and hungry.


There was no Hotel room that Japanese gov give you.[Maybe it was because you can get PCR result in 1 day lately.]


I booked a hotel when i was waiting for the test result.
There were so many hotels which accept self isolation and plenty of rooms available at this time.


At 4pm they told me i was 'negative' on PCR test and they thankfully took us to each hotel.
So do not need to worry about how to get to your hotel. They will give you a ride.


Finally i got to take a nice warm bath and super happy.


There are a few convenience stores , grocery stores , chemists near the hotel which i am staying.
Yes i am staying in my room as much as possible but still i could get some food easily which is super helpful and thankful.

Everyone has different story so this was my experience of coming back to Japan during Covid-19.
Thank you for reading to my blog!
