

おはようございます。あさひです。今回はフリーキャッシュフローという概念、その計算式について解説したいと思います。M & Aで会社の価値を決める際によく出てくる数字です。それではいきましょう!


[1] フリーキャッシュフロー = 営業CF + 投資CFです。

例えば営業活動によるCFが1億円、投資活動によるCFが-3000万円であったらフリーキャッシュフローは1億-3000万 = 7000万円です。投資活動で使った分を本業からのキャッシュフローから引くことで求まります。


1. 未来への投資(工場や土地の購入や会社の買収)
2. 借金の返済や配当の支払い


[2] フリーキャッシュフロー = 営業CF - 現事業を維持するために必要な現金


そこで[2] の計算式から弾き出される数値を概算する計算式がこちらです。

[2]'  フリーキャッシュフロー = 営業CF - 減価償却費(などの償却費)




What is Free Cash Flow, and the equation of that?
Good, morning, I'm Asahi. Today, I'm going to tell you about the concept of Free Cash Flow(Free CF) and formula of that. This amount is important when you evaluate the value of the company in M and A. Le't get started!

First of all, I tell you about equation to calculate the amount of Free Cash Flow. There are mainly 2 equation to calculate Free Cash Flow. The formula below is often used. 
[1] Free Cash Flow = Operating Cash Flow + Investing Cash Flow

For example, Operating CF is 0.1 billion yen and Investing CF is -30million yen, then Free Cash Flow become 70 million yen, 1 billion yen - 30 million yen. The company can calculate by subtracting the amount of investing from Operating CF. 

Above article is explain about Cash Flow itself. If you interested in this, please read it. 

Free Cash Flow is mainly used for 2 ways.
First is for investing on the company's future. (i.e. acquisition of companies, factory, land and so on.)
Second is for paying off debt and pay dividends to shareholders.

The Free CF with equation [1] hve problems. It can't accurately indicate the amount of investing because Investing CF include the amount of investing. I also thought that. In addition this Free CF may be far from real situation of the company, because if a company have exceed casf after investing, they make a deposit. In Investing CF, they subtract this amount from Investing CF. That's why we can't analyze the company which have afford of cash. 
Below equation is considering this.

[2] Free Cash Flow = Operating CF - the cash to maintain current business. 

This Free Cash Flow can calculate, subtracting the cash to maintain current business from Operating CF, indicate the cash to invest on for their future and improve financial situation (e.g. paying off debt to creditors. 
However this formula have trouble, which the company have hardly to decision the cash need for maintaining current business. 
By considering, this equation was created.

[2]' Free Cash = Operating Cash Flow - the expense of Depreciation and Amortization.

Generally, companies have to invest on their asset more than the expense of depreciation and amortization, because if they don't do that, their assets gradually decrease.

Free Cash Flow should be plus, and more plus is better, because the company is able to invest the amount of that on their future, improving financial situation like paying off debt to creditors. If a company have minus Cash Flow, they have to raise fund more like issuing their stocks and corporate bonds, have debt from banks, selling their fixed assets like factories, land and so on to make Free Cash Flow positive or at least reduce the amount of minus. 

Free Cash Flow is the indicators of the amount of the cash companies use to invest on their future, improving financial situations and so on. Equation of calculating Free Cash Flow have mainly 2 options. Free Cash Flow should be plus, and more plus is better. Thank you very much for reading to the end!
