
Artwork Description(作品説明)英語



1. Title : Breaking through Japanese Conservativeness

Size : 75cm × 54cm
Medium : Acrylic, Japanese ink on Canvas, with Picture Frame
Prices : 2,700 EURO


Description : The samurai(Japanese warrior with a good Japanese Spirt) is cutting the current world, to make a new one.
Only 24% of the Japanese has a passport, and most of the people only speaks Japanese. Japan used to be one of the top economic countries in the world in the 20th century, but now is one of the top countries that commit suicide. Due to the conservative minds, people suffer to be “Normal” in Japan, but now is the time to open their minds and follow their hearts. Make Japan a peace and happy country again, and contribute to the other countries. 
(Artworks to be Exhibited)

2. Title : By-Product

Size : 90cm × 65cm
Medium : Acrylic on Canvas
Prices : 2,300 EURO


Description : This art work is made while making an other art work. I only used the ink that was left while drawing a different artwork.
This is a metaphor against capitalism. Human beings produce tons of products for their never ending greed, and does not care about the by-products that comes out with it. We have to face this fact. Make a by-product that is Reusable. Face Nuclear waste like Fukushima.
(Artworks to be Exhibited)

3. Title : Moon-Illusion

Size : 48cm × 36cm 
Medium : Acrylic on Paper, with Picture Frame
Prices : 2,300 EURO


Description : Even though the moon faces only half of its face to us due to the orbit rotation, Moon has various faces(colors and shapes). Moon is white, Yellow, Grey and sometimes it is seen as a mirror. Moon is the symbol of night, Sea, Weakness, variation, 
In Japanese novels and in ancient books, MOON is often is a metaphor of a "mirror" .
This art work will change its face by where you put it, by the direction of the light, and it will also reflect your feelings right at the moment. Art is what you see and feel.

4. Title : TRA-in COVID and life

Size : 105cm × 148cm
Medium : Acrylic on Japanese Paper, with Picture Frame
Prices : 7,900 EURO


Description : Tigers hides in the shades and in the dark, to grab their meal and their future. By COVID-19, people feel anxious about the next future, but if you think back, future was never predictable. So let’s fight it. let’s enjoy it. let’s be colorful. Like the TRA(Tiger in Japanese).

5. Title : Vanity Scratch

Size : 40cm × 51cm
 Medium : Acrylic on Canvas
Prices : 1,500 EURO


Description : EGO is a tool. You can use it, but never be used by it. We know EGO is not everything, but sometimes we forget. Human beings have the sense to control EGO. See yourself through the sky. Be nothing. Be the air. You can be you, but you are not you. This way of thinking is from Buddhism and it is called the “KU(空) in Japanese. Use the EGO with the KU. The 37 trillion cells of human beings get replaced in 3 months. So 3 months later, you are literally a different person. You can be anything.

6. Title : RYU-Dragon/Contradiction is impermanent

Size : 145.5cm × 112cm
Medium : Acrylic, Decorated Japanese Cord, on Canvas
Prices : 23,000 EURO

(not done yet)

Description : Human beings had been facing many contradictions. However, Humans are only on this planet for few million years. Only 1% compared to dinosaurs history, and 0.04% of the history of the universe. The contradictions that we are facing is just a small problem. The contradictions are impermanent. On the other hand, contradictions are a chance of innovation. Stay with the flow.
(Artworks to be Exhibited)


「生き様表現者」(アーティスト)として みなさんの日常に刺激、気づき、、新しい概念を提供するため、 生き様をそのまんま載せます。 ・家族、仕事のあり方と目指す過程 ・会社員でアーティストの生活 ・28歳、上司としてしてること ・社内100人以上、社長にも出してる織田のDaily ・年440人相談を受けて感じる今の世の中 ・教育業界に入って感じる今 ・今のアーティストの生き方 ・織田のノート

織田の「今」を記した「ありのまま」の表現者としての 月額ワンコインマガジンです! 家族 / 子育て / 教育 / 働き方 / アート /…
