大学入試「自由英作文」問題の深淵 2.2.2








  • 日本の非正規雇用労働者の割合はだいたい4割。

  • 20代と65歳以上では非正規雇用労働者になる意味合いが違う。

  • 日本では正社員の賃金に男女格差がある。

  • 正規労働者と非正規労働者にも賃金格差がある。

  • 正規労働者と非正規労働者は地位が異なる。





Facts and Details


Freeters earn around $7 to $10 an hour working at 7-11 convenience stores, budget restaurants and clothing shops and are employed as sales people, lifeguards and warehouse workers. Some sell jewelry or other stuff on the streets or pass out tissues with advertisements on them at subway stations. Their career ambitions include becoming a professional DJ, playing in a band, designing video games and working as a manga artist.

The average freeter earns only $14,000 a year. That doesn’t go far on one of the world’s most expensive countries. Typically they change jobs 4.3 times in a three year period. More than 50 percent do not contribute to the state pension system.

Many freeters want jobs that are flexible, give them free time, are not too demanding and allow them to wear the clothes and hairstyles they like. One study of freeters found that many lack career goals and "tend not to have any means of connecting their present situations to a future career.


ここでは freeter という表現が使われていますが、これは和製英語(というか日本語)です。judo, tsunami のようにすでに日本語由来の英語として、英語圏で広く普及しているものもありますが、freeter が通じる範囲は現時点では(skosh と同じくらい)狭いです。答案で使う場合には説明が必要です。


"Freeter" is a Japanese word recently coined by combining the English word free and the German word Arbeiter (laborer). Typically, freeters are young people who do not have a permanent full-time job, but have one or more part-time jobs or move from one short-term job to another. Many freeters say that they have chosen this lifestyle because they wish to pursue their dreams. Others feel more comfortable living this way and prefer having more time for themselves. At the same time, some regular full-time workers, who might be expected to hold diametrically opposite views, are on the whole quite understanding about the freeter point of view. While they may not want to become freeters themselves, they are quite accepting of those who do. Because of the recession and uncertainty about employment, though, many full-time workers express the anxiety that they, too, may be forced to become freeters some day. An online survey recently conducted by Trends in Japan revealed the perceptions that freeters have of themselves and that the rest of society has of them.



さて、今回の問題では「若者」といっても10代の若者ではなく young adults が対象です。


A. 不景気が長く続いている。(全世代)
B. 雇用状況が悪い。(全世代)
C. 非正規雇用でないと仕事が得られない。(全世代)
D. 育児が優先。(20〜30代)
E. 自由な時間を楽しみたい。(20〜30代)
F. 将来、芸術系の目標がある。(20代)
G. 将来の目標がもてない。(20代)

この中で E は正社員にならない理由には必ずしもなりません。これを選ぶとコジツケのような強引な解答になるでしょう。説得力は下がるはずです。

また、今回の問題で話題にするべきなのは、10代の若者ではなく、20代の young adults です。全世代に当てはまる理由(A, B, C)は「非正規雇用になりやすい」という沿革の説明にはなりえますが、20代の若者がそれをあえて選ぶ場合の説明にはなりません。

今回メインで使えるのは F〜Gです。


では、この問題にある予備校がつけた解答例を紹介します。文中 [  ] をつけたのは、少々違和感のある箇所です。

   (1)One reason why an increasing number of [young people] today work as part-timers is that Japanese people [have become] far better off than they used to be. (2)In Japanese society today, people can get by even as part-timers. (3)Another reason is that more and more young people want to live as they like, since they don’t like to be stressed out like ordinary company workers. (4)It seems that [many] young people choose to work as part-timers until they can find a job they really want to do.

以下、講評です。評中、X << Y の形で示しているのは、
  違和感のある表現 << 違和感のない表現

(1) この理由は不適切です。これは全世代で part-timers が増える理由です。
   young people << young adults
   have become << are
(2) これは(1)の far better off を説明する文。(1)と同じく、ここに書いても意味がありません。
(3) これは E です。しかも since からあとの情報は正社員になるのを拒否する理由になっていません。好まないことをするとストレスが溜まるのは誰にでも当てはまることで、正社員であるかパートタイマーであるかとは関係がありません。テニス部員が「ストレスを溜めたくないので、テニスの試合に出たくありません」と言っているのと同じです。
(4) これは G です。(3)と繋がっているように見えて、繋がっていません。本来はここを起点にして、論旨を展開するべきでした。
   many << lots of



Do you think people should sometimes do things they don’t enjoy so much? Write your opinion in an English paragraph of about 70 words.




   Non-regular employment is an effective choice for those who have their career goals. Perhaps, non-regular employment has a higher priority, especially to young adults who aspire to be professional artists. They desperately need time for independent creative production. Now that the percentage of non-regular employees in the whole workers amounts to 40%, it might be that they are encouraged to make the choice because there is less social pressure to get employed as regular workers. (75 words)


   This is an age of uncertainty. Nobody knows what things will be like in thirty years. Some people choose to get employed as regular workers, even without definite career goals in mind. Some of them have given up searching for their goals. Some of them are planning to find the goals in life as regular employees.  They are legally guaranteed a stable status in Japanese society. However, non-regular employment is also an effective choice for those who have their goals. Perhaps, non-regular employment has a higher priority, especially to young adults who aspire to be professional artists. They desperately need time for independent creative production. Moreover, now that the percentage of non-regular employees in the whole workers amounts to 40%, it might be that they are encouraged to make the choice because there is less social pressure to get employed as regular workers. (144 words)

30年後の世の中がどうなっているのかは誰にもわからないが、日本では正規労働者は安定した地位が保証されるので、明確な career goals がなくても、それを追求するのをあきらめて正規雇用される人もいる。正規雇用されている状態で goals を(できる範囲で)探そうと計画する人もいる。しかし、career goals が明確な人にとっては正規雇用だけでなく非正規雇用も有効な選択肢になる。とりわけ芸術系の活動でプロになることを目指している人にとっては、自由な創作活動が最も重要なので非正規雇用のほうが優先順位が高まるかもしれない。非正規労働者は労働者全体の4割近くもいるので、もはや正規雇用されなければならないという社会的抑圧も少ないことが、その選択を後押ししている可能性もある。

このように、パラグラフというものはたった1つの main idea(イイタイコト)を中心に同心円を描くように深掘りしていく形で書くものなのです。
