


現在の富裕層旅行者間のカテゴリを正しく理解することが大切であり、一般的には4つのカテゴリーにまとめることができます。クラシック富裕層、モダン富裕層、オール富裕層(旅行のすべての項目で高額消費を行う)とセレクティブ富裕層(優先度の高い事項に高額消費を行う)です。まさにモダン富裕層 (およびセレクティブ富裕層)のスタイルが、特に欧米諸国からの旅行者の間で新しい傾向として浮上しています。このタイプの旅行者は、(高価な施設やサービスなどの)ステータスシンボルではなく、本物と持続可能な旅行を重視しています。特に欧米からの旅行者にとって、日本は世界のどこにでもある5つ星ホテルや高価なプロダクト以上のものを提供してくれる旅行先です。日本には、ユニークな文化や本物の体験が豊富にあり、富裕層旅行者は高い値段を払ってでも価値を享受しようとします。したがって、一般の旅行者に人気のある旅行先やアクティビティは、サービスのレベルに磨きをかけ、調整すれば、富裕層旅行者の間でも成功を収めることができるでしょう。

1. 柔軟性 - 計画の変更に対応できること、あらかじめ決められた旅程に固定ないこと。富裕層の旅行者は、決まったスケジュールや内容のツアーに参加するのではなく、自分の旅をプライベートに管理しているように感じたいと考えています。
2. パーソナライゼーション(カスタマイズ) - 旅行者の特定のニーズに合わせたコンテンツやサービスを提供すること。富裕層旅行者は、ユニークでオーダーメイド型のアクティビティを体験することを好むので、これは特に重要です。、クラシック富裕層の旅行者にとって、プライベートな配慮は、物質的なステータスシンボルと同じくらいの価値があります。
3. 本物 志向- 地域社会のありのままさを示す本物の体験のみを提供すること。旅行者のために意図的に作られたものや、地域社会のありのままさから切り離されたものは、富裕層旅行者には受け入れられません。。
4. 人とのつながり-前述の点と同様に、日本の富裕層旅行者は、宿泊施設だけでなく、現地の人とのつながりを大切にしています。特に最近の富裕層旅行者は、新しい発見に対して非常にオープンで、異文化に対する好奇心を持っています。また、購入した商品や食事の背景にある本物のストーリーを知ることで、最も満足感を得ることができるのです。




The Tourism Agency places a great importance on increasing the number of international luxury travelers to Japan. Currently, about 1% of the international travelers fall under the target definition of “luxury” (with expenditure of over 1 000 000 JPY per person for the trip), and they produce 11.5% of the entire inbound consumption. Certainly, 1% is a rather low number and the policy to attract more luxury travelers to Japan is correct. However, just like with any other target market, the content and services offered need to match the needs of the travelers. It is a common misconception that wealthy travelers only need 5-star accommodation facilities and luxurious comfort. This is true only for a particular segment of the luxury travelers and doesn’t take into account the latest trend changes. In fact, what the modern luxury travelers value are a few other factors related to the way travel offerings are presented and designed. 

It is important to understand correctly the current division among luxury travelers, which can be generally summarized in 4 categories: Classic Luxury, Modern Luxury, All Luxury and Selective Luxury. It is exactly Modern Luxury (and Selective Luxury) that are emerging as new trends, especially among travelers from Western countries. This type of travelers place an importance not so much on status symbols (such as expensive facilities and services), but on authenticity and sustainable travel. For Western visitors in particular, Japan is a destination that can offer so much more than 5-star hotels and expensive goods, which these visitors can find everywhere in the world. Japan is an immense source of unique cultural and authentic experiences for which luxury travelers are willing to pay a high price to receive value. Therefore, destinations and activities which are popular among the ordinary travelers can be successful also among luxury travelers after some polishing and adjusting the level of service. 

What most Western luxury travelers value in local offerings are:
1. Flexibility - the ability to adapt to changes of plans and not to stick to pre-defined agendas. A wealthy traveler wants to feel like being in charge of their trip, not like they are attending an event with a fixed schedule and content.
2. Personalization (customization) - the ability to offer content and services that match the specific needs of the traveler. This is especially important because wealthy travelers enjoy experiencing unique and tailor-made activities. Personal attention has the same value as material status symbols for Classic Luxury travelers.
3. Authenticity - offering only genuine experiences which show the true spirit of the local communities and their heritage. Anything made specially for tourists and detached from the reality of the local communities is destined to fail among the luxury travelers.
4. Human connections - similarly to the previous points, luxury travelers in Japan value not just the facilities they stay at, but mainly the real and close contact with real people. Modern Luxury travelers in particular are very open to new discoveries and have curiosity about different cultures. They are most satisfied when they learn the genuine stories behind the products they purchase and the food they consume.

The first two factors from the list above are fundamental for almost all luxury travelers. It is important not to have misconceptions about the needs of luxury travelers and be open about their actual needs throughout their entire journey in Japan. From my own experience as a travel agent, I can share an interesting episode in which we arranged for a group of VIP guests a shopping visit to one of Tokyo’s most expensive and famous department stores with a private shopping consultant. Unfortunately, the guests were not impressed at all by the exhibited goods and instead suddenly said they are looking to buy a baseball hat with the logo of the Giants for their grandson in their home country. This unexpected request had to be met with respect and a few days later we arranged the baseball hat to be delivered to the guests’ hotel. 

The latter two factors display current trends among luxury travelers especially from Western countries. Japan has plenty to offer in this aspect and it is a matter of careful designing and adjusting the services so that the unique local stories can be turned into a wonderful resource of experiences to share with luxury travelers. A fantastic example of this is the 700 000 Heures project which this year finally arrived in Japan (in Ine town, Kyoto prefecture). This members-only service is not just a luxury accommodation, but an all-encompassing experience which places a great importance on the integration of local stories, local products, local flavours and local lifestyle into the product offered for the luxury travelers. What Japan needs in its attempt to increase the number of luxury travelers is exactly such kind of carefully curated initiatives combining good knowledge about the needs of international travelers and a supply of local attractiveness and authenticity.
