
Like the roof of a taxi

    First of all, I don't autograph my books. When I present a new book to someone I know, I also send it without my autograph. This way, the recipient has less of a psychological burden and can easily dispose of the book at a later date. I don't hold an autograph session. One of the reasons I am not keen on autograph events is that there are always people from the trade who come to these events. They specialize in collecting autographed books as a business. The day after the autographing, the books are already on the internet auction. I don't mind giving autographs to books for the general public, but I don't like the idea of it being used to make money. I sometimes hold autograph sessions outside the country. I often go there at the invitation of local publishers, and the autograph session is included in the schedule as part of the campaign. I can't do it because of my position. That's why I've done autograph session in many countries. Specialist companies also come to autograph sessions in other countries. I am strangely impressed by the fact that people do the same things all over the world.

My most memorable autograph session was in Barcelona, Spain. I autographed books for almost two hours, but there were still so many people that I didn't have enough time. In addition, after autographing books, the girls asked me to kiss them, so I had no choice (a lie) but to stand up and kiss them on the cheek. If I kept doing that, there was no way it wouldn't take time. The publisher said, "We don't have time, let's not go on to kissing", but I couldn't pass up such an opportunity, so I insisted, "No, I will fulfill my duty as a writer to the end", and I kissed girls if she asked for it. I've often been asked to autograph a book and shake hands, but only in Spain have I been asked to kiss someone. In addition, there were many nice girls. ・・・・・・ No, let's not talk about this. I feel like I'm going to get a lot of public hatred.

There is such a thing as autograph cardboard in the world,(I have never seen oval-shaped ones, usually white cardboard with a perfect square shape) but I just don't like it. The kind where Mushanokoji Saneatsu writes 'Naka yokoi wa utukushiki ya' (What is good with each other is beautiful) and adds a picture of a green pepper or something. Sometimes when I stay at a local ryokan, the landlady will bring a sheet of autograph cardboard and ask me if I would like to write something on it. Usually, I refuse rather firmly, saying that I will not give autograph to anything other than books, but if it is difficult to refuse, I write just my name in small letters at the edge of the paper and make a mess. Like a timid dog urinating secretly in a corner of the square. Of course, I don't draw pictures of green peppers. I don't draw pictures of giant squid or pineapples. I don't write things like "Life is a mountain climb". Just names. It's very unfriendly and people are disappointed. I feel bad, but I'm sorry, I'm not artistic. Dave Johnson, an infielder who used to play for the Yomiuri Giants, said: 'I have been made to autograph the roof of a taxi and a woman's bra in Japan. I have yet to have either.

This Week in Murakami.

There's a 'large and small' lever on flush toilets, shouldn't that be 'strong and weak'?
