















The Concentration of Mexico's Population in Inland Areas: An Interplay of Geography, History, and Economics

Mexico, a vast nation in southwestern North America, exhibits a unique demographic pattern: approximately 70% of its 120 million inhabitants reside in inland regions. This seemingly counterintuitive distribution is not merely a coincidence but rather the outcome of a complex interplay between geographical, historical, and economic factors.

Geographical Constraints: Mountains and Water Resources

Mexico's topography is characterized by its extensive mountainous terrain, accounting for nearly 70% of the national territory. The Sierra Madre Occidental and Oriental mountain ranges, running parallel along the Pacific coast, pose significant barriers to transportation and human settlement. In contrast, the inland plateaus and basins offer a more hospitable environment with temperate climates.

Furthermore, Mexico's aridity and uneven water distribution hinder population concentration in certain regions. The northern deserts, particularly, lack the water resources necessary to support agriculture and human settlements. Conversely, inland areas are relatively well-watered by rivers, lakes, and groundwater sources, facilitating agricultural activities and urban development.

Historical Influences: Colonial Legacy and Industrialization

During the Spanish colonial era, resource-rich inland regions, particularly those with indigenous settlements and mining potential, were prioritized for development. The Pacific and Caribbean coasts, on the other hand, faced greater security risks due to piracy and indigenous resistance, hindering effective colonial control and subsequent development.

Post-independence, inland areas continued to attract population due to the expansion of agriculture and mining. While coastal cities served as trade hubs with foreign powers, political instability and infrastructural limitations impeded their demographic growth.

Mexico's industrialization drive in the latter half of the 20th century further reinforced inland population concentration. Manufacturing centers were predominantly established in inland cities, driven by factors such as labor availability, land accessibility, and government industrial policies. Coastal regions, with their focus on tourism and services, experienced less pronounced employment growth, limiting population influx.

Maritime Significance and Future Challenges

Mexico boasts numerous ports along its Pacific and Caribbean coastlines, facilitating cargo import and export, particularly with the United States. However, the share of seaborne exports has declined in recent years, reaching around 40% in 2020. This trend can be attributed to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which has boosted overland trade with the United States.

As Mexico strives for further economic growth and international trade expansion, enhancing port infrastructure and maritime efficiency will remain crucial. Modernizing port facilities, streamlining customs procedures, and promoting intermodal connectivity can revitalize sea transport and contribute to balanced regional development.


Mexico's inland population concentration stems from a complex interplay of geographical factors, historical legacies, and economic trends. While sea transport's relative importance has diminished, port cities continue to play a vital role in the nation's economy. Addressing infrastructure gaps and logistics inefficiencies in the maritime sector can further strengthen Mexico's economic competitiveness and promote sustainable regional growth.


  • Mexico: Population Distribution by Age and Sex 2020

  • Mexico's Geography and Topography [無効な URL を削除しました]

  • Water Resources in Mexico [無効な URL を削除しました]

  • A History of Mexico

  • Mexico's Industrialization Process [無効な URL を削除しました]

  • Mexico's Port Infrastructure and Maritime Logistics [無効な URL を削除しました]
