The Wacaco Nanopresso: A Journey of Passion, Innovation, and Accessibility

The Wacaco Nanopresso: A Journey of Passion, Innovation, and Accessibility

The Wacaco Nanopresso is a portable espresso maker that has been praised by coffee enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers alike. Its compact size, ease of use, and impressive pressure capability have made it a revolutionary product in the portable coffee market.

The story of the Nanopresso begins in 2010 with Eugene Chan, a passionate coffee enthusiast from Hong Kong. Chan dreamed of creating a portable espresso maker that could deliver barista-quality coffee without the bulk. He spent two years prototyping and refining his design, facing numerous challenges with pressure mechanisms and size constraints.

In 2013, Chan finally achieved his goal. The first working Nanopresso prototype emerged, a sleek and sturdy device capable of generating 18 bars of pressure – crucial for good espresso extraction.

Chan knew he needed support to bring his invention to life. In 2015, he launched a Kickstarter campaign with a target of $20,000. The response was overwhelming, with the campaign raising over $300,000! This surge of support validated Chan's vision and provided the resources to manufacture the first batch of Nanopresso machines.

The Nanopresso was released in 2016 to rave reviews. Its compact size and ease of use made it a perfect fit for coffee lovers on the go. The Nanopresso also impressed with its ability to generate 18 bars of pressure, which is the same pressure used by commercial espresso machines. This allowed the Nanopresso to produce espresso with a rich, flavorful crema.

Since its launch, the Nanopresso has seen several iterations, each one refining the design and functionality. The Nanopresso NS, released in 2017, featured a pressure gauge and improved portafilter. Further models like the Nanopresso Plus and Nanopresso Barista Pro offered additional features and accessories catering to different preferences.

Today, the Wacaco Nanopresso is a global phenomenon. It has garnered numerous awards, including the prestigious Red Dot Design Award, and boasts a thriving community of users who share their coffee adventures online. From mountaintops to city streets, the Nanopresso has empowered coffee lovers to enjoy barista-quality espresso wherever they go.

The Nanopresso's story is one of passion, innovation, and a deep understanding of coffee lovers' needs. It's a testament to the power of a simple idea, meticulously crafted and brought to life, to change the way we experience coffee on the go.


The Wacaco Nanopresso is a groundbreaking product that has revolutionized the portable coffee market. It is a testament to the power of passion, innovation, and accessibility.

