小説ロマンシングサガ3-宿命を乗り越えて- 第15話 ミカエルの策謀~リブロフ軍・神王教団軍との決戦~ビューネイ軍襲来







































































































Michael sends spies to Ribrov and Pidna to spread false information that "Michael, Marquis of Roane is going on an expedition to subjugate the monsters in the north''. And he decided to actually let Shadow go on a fake expedition to the north.

With this, it was a strategy to disrupt the opponent's information and beat them to the point where they attacked Roanne.

Then Monika, Julian, Khalid, and Éclair came to Roane.

"Your Majesty, Monica has returned home."

"Okay, let through."

"My brother... I'm sorry."

"Good... I wrote it in the letter, but I'm not concerned about that. Originally, I was going to respect your will. I didn't mean to force you to marry him."

"My brother... I misunderstood... I'm really sorry."

"So, it's enough. And while Monica was out of Roanne, Julian and Khalid escorted you, right? Thank you."

"No, I just happened to meet her at Vanguard and came from there."

"I see, Julian, you've had a hard time. Umu, who is that girl?"

"Her name is Éclair, and she became a friend in the city of Pidona."

"I'm Eclair. Nice to meet you."

"How is that girl fighting?"

"Her skill with stilettos is certain."

"I see... Then, I'm going to talk about a very important strategy, so please listen. It seems that Ludwig of Pidna and the God King's Order are connected."

"Oh, I knew that too."

"Not only is Ludwig helping out with the missionary work, but it also appears to have military ties. There are also reports of ties to the monsters of Buunei."

"What...that's new to me."

"From Librof, soldiers who were probably under the influence of Ludwig challenged the Roane army to battle."

"Michael... as expected. Did you read that far?"

"So... Khalid, I hear you have a lot of experience in military command. Would you like to take a step back for Roanne?"

"I don't mind, as long as you give me the money."

"Details of the military operation will be communicated to Khalid."

"Wait, let me join the war too."

"Urian, your mission is to protect Monica. Don't forget that. Please escort Monica in the palace. I also ask for a daughter named Éclair."

"My brother, traveling with Julian has made me stronger. I want to join the fight too."

"This is no good. Monica should be in the palace."

After that, a strategy meeting was held with only Michael, a few military staff members, and Khalid.

"The enemy army will come from the direction of Rybrov and from the desert in the south. There, they will meet on the plains south of Roanne and attack. Khalid, you will lead a part of the army of Roanne and launch a surprise attack. Launch a surprise attack on the army of the God-King Order coming from the southern desert so that they can't join forces with the army from the Livrov area."

"Okay, but Ludwig won't use Pidna's army?"

"We've got a spy going in, and we've already investigated that area. He doesn't seem to want to move Pidona's army on a large scale. The situation in northern Messana is also unstable, and there's a risk that Pidna's defenses will loosen. seems to be thinking"

"Do you know that much... you're a terrible person, aren't you?"

"Harryd, you must have a grudge against the God King's Order...Lead my army and attack the God King's Order with all your might. The army I command will attack the army coming from the direction of Livrov. I'm going to proceed to Rybrov and annihilate the Ludwig faction.I hear that there are many remnants of the Gessia dynasty in Rybrov.If possible, can't you encourage them to revolt in Rybrov?"

"Well... my ex-subordinates are many in Rybrov. I think it's possible."

"Okay... that's the rule. Their army should be attacking within a few days."

Khalid's army took up positions in the mountainous terrain north of the Naj Desert. It was a strategy to launch a surprise attack from the flank as the army of the God King's Order passed through the route northwards from the Naju Desert.

Meanwhile, Michael's army takes up positions on the plain southwest of Roane. With this, Michael planned that the Ribrov army and the God King's cult army would not be able to join and would be annihilated.

Khalid's army waited with telescopes for the arrival of the God King's Order from the Naju Desert.

"Dear Khalid! An army of the God King's Order has arrived from the desert."

"Alright, it's finally here. Don't get the timing wrong. Don't get caught, launch a surprise attack."

As soon as the God King's Order's army passed through the narrow passage between the mountains... Khalid's army fired arrows at once from the flanks.

The army of the God King's Order collapsed due to the sudden attack.

"Now, let’s attack at once!"

The God King's Army was in complete chaos.

"Why, why is Roane's army in a place like this? Yes, use the suicide squad!"

The army of the God King Order is brainwashed to believe that if they don't fear death and contribute to the battle, they can go to heaven. For that reason, they have launched a special attack with a bomb.

"That's bad, that's a special attack troop. I was tormented by that when I fought them before. We'll pull back!"

Khalid's men retreated and managed to minimize damage from the suicide bombers.

On the other hand, even when the Rybrov army arrived at the rendezvous point, there was no sign of the God King's cult army coming, and the Rybrov army could not hide their frustration.

"What's wrong? It's about time we have to reunite."

There, the army commanded by Michael attacked the Livrov army at once.

"Well, no way... Michael's army? Why are you here? Wasn't he on an expedition to the north?"

Rybrov's army also collapsed, and the Rybrov army began to retreat to his stronghold of Rybrov.

"Your Majesty, the enemy forces are retreating. Do you want to follow them?"

"Of course, we'll destroy them all at once."

Meanwhile, Khalid's former soldiers revolt in Rybrov. The few remaining garrisons in Rybrov were nearly annihilated by former soldiers of the Gessia dynasty.

"A messenger! Rybrov has been occupied by remnants of the Gessia dynasty."

"What the hell... it's already over, I have no choice but to surrender to Michael."

The God-King's army retreated to the Naju desert, and most of the Ribrov army scattered and fled or were taken prisoner by the Roanne army.

"The operation was a success, Khalid!"

"Oh yeah"

At that time, Ludwig of Pidna received a messenger.

“General! The Ribrov army has been destroyed.

“What the hell… I can’t believe it.

"... Damn, if this happens, it's a last resort, I have no choice but to cry to Mr. Burunei."

Maximus sent messengers to Beuney.

“Would it be possible for your army to advance in order to occupy Roanne?

Michael and Khalid's army was about to return to Roanne after the success of the operation... However, an unexpected development awaited.

"Your Majesty, a large army of monsters is attacking from Mount Tuftan."

"What the hell... this time it's the Buunei army. We're going to intercept them!"

The Buunei army advanced to Roanne while flying in the sky. It also jumps over swamps without hesitation.

"Alright, this is a gamble, but instead of heavy infantry, lightly equipped light infantry will pass through the swamp in one go and hit the enemy army."

The army of Roane made a hasty advance and engaged Beunay across the swamp. However, he was exhausted from fighting the Ribrov army and the God King's cult army earlier, and was forced to struggle.

"Your Majesty, our defense line has been breached! We have defeated most of the Byunei army, but some remnants are expected to invade Roanne."

"In that case...I will fight them myself!"

"I'll go with you!"

"Harryd, please!

Michael, with his elite troops and Khalid, stood in front of the gates of Roanne.

"I will protect Roane!"

The remnants of the Burunei army are rushing in one after another.


Michael repeatedly used techniques that allowed him to attack multiple enemies at the same time, defeating over 100 Bunei soldiers. Khalid also used the afterimage sword to defeat a large number of Bunei soldiers. But there are too many.

"Oops! The Buunei soldiers who couldn't be defeated are heading to the palace!"


"Afterimage Sword!"

Monica, Julian, and Éclair have completely killed the Burnei soldiers who have invaded the palace.

The remnants of the Bunay soldiers, who were outnumbered, retreated to Mount Takhtarn.

"Monica, Julian, Éclair... you guys... I really appreciate it. Monica, I seem to have underestimated your skill. Thank you for helping me."

"No, my brother… I am grateful that you accepted that I can fight as well."

At Pidna, Maximus was furious.

"Even Lord Byunei's army... damn it!"

In Roane, Michael and the others were discussing what to do next.

"What should we do now... hit the Buunei, or hit the Pidona?"

“Pidona has not officially participated in this war.

“Once the Abyssgate opens completely, there is nothing we can do about it.

"I heard from a poet in Pidna that the Holy King rode on the back of a dragon called Dora and defeated Bunei in the air."

"I see... so, is that Dora still alive?"

"It seems that Dora was attacking people and was defeated by the Holy King."

"I see...then we have no choice but to invade Mount Tuftan. Khalid, Monika, Julian, Éclair, and me, will you attack Mount Tuftan?"

"My brother... Thank you very much. I'll be with you."

Thus, Michael and his party decided to invade Mount Takhtan.
