コーヒーの歴史 History of coffee


The history of coffee is an intriguing one, with oral traditions in modern-day Ethiopia dating back centuries. The first cultivation and direct evidence of its consumption date to the 15th century, when Sufi monasteries in Yemen used coffee as an aid to concentration during prayers. However, the introduction of coffee caused controversy in Ottoman and Mamluk society in the early 16th century as some questioned whether it was halal. Coffee arrived in Italy by the second half of the 16th century, and Central and Eastern Europeans learned of it from the Ottomans. By the mid-17th century, coffee had reached India and the East Indies, and coffee houses were established in Western Europe by the late 17th century, especially in Holland, England, and Germany.

One of the earliest cultivations of coffee in the New World was when Gabriel de Clieu brought coffee seedlings to Martinique in 1720, which sprouted 18,680 coffee trees and enabled its spread to other Caribbean islands and Mexico. By 1788, Saint-Domingue supplied half the world's coffee. Since 1852, Brazil has been the largest producer of coffee globally, followed by Colombia, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, and Vietnam. Modern production techniques and mass productization have made coffee a household item today.

Coffee was banned by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church sometime before the 18th century, but attitudes softened toward coffee drinking in the second half of the 19th century, and its consumption spread rapidly between 1880 and 1886. One of the most important early writers on coffee was Abd al-Qadir al-Jaziri, who in 1587 compiled a work tracing the history and legal controversies of coffee entitled Umdat al Safwa fi hill al-qahwa. Coffeehouses in Mecca, Yemen, and Cairo began to explode in popularity, and they became centers of public life within the sprawling cities of the Islamicate Empires. Neha Verami, from the Folger Shakespeare Library, said that "the history of these coffeehouses offers three connected insights: the emergence of the public sphere, the participation of larger sections of the population in the political lives of the early modern Islamic empires, and the hollowness of the allegations of despotism mounted on ‘Oriental’ societies by Western onlookers". Coffee became an ingrained piece of Islamic culture for the centuries to come.

However, contrary to its role in recent centuries, coffee became a subject of debate for some. When the fatwa came into effect in 1532–1533, coffee and its consumption was established as haram, most likely due to the idea that like alcohol, coffee had an effect on cognition, albeit different and milder. An effort was made to prevent the spread of coffee's growing popularity, with taxes imposed during the reigns of Suleiman I, Sultan Selim II, and Sultan Murad III. However, the fatwa ultimately failed as coffee did not compare to the effects of alcohol. That coffee was even seen as a mind-altering substance like alcohol meant that the prohibition was more of a misunderstanding of the substance or an attempt to control consumption based on Orthodox beliefs. The history of coffee is one of intrigue and reveals the deep connection between culture and the evolution of society.



コーヒーは、18世紀以前にエチオピア正教会によって禁止されていたが、19世紀後半には飲用に対する考え方が軟化し、1880年から1886年の間に急速に普及した。1587年、アブド・アルカディル・アル・ジャジリは、コーヒーの歴史と法的論争をまとめた『Umdat al Safwa fi hill al-qahwa』という著作を発表している。メッカ、イエメン、カイロのコーヒーハウスは爆発的な人気を博し、イスラム帝国の広大な都市における公共生活の中心地となった。フォルガー・シェイクスピア図書館のネハ・ヴェラミ氏は、「これらのコーヒーハウスの歴史は、公共圏の出現、近世イスラム帝国の政治生活への住民の大きな参加、西洋の野次馬が『東洋』社会に提起した専制主義の主張の空虚さ、という三つの関連した洞察を提供している」と述べている。コーヒーは、その後何世紀にもわたって、イスラム文化の一部として定着していったのです。

