移転価格税制について Transfer Pricing: A Brief Overview

Transfer Pricing: A Brief Overview

Transfer pricing is a complex and evolving area of tax law that addresses the pricing of transactions between related parties. The goal of transfer pricing is to ensure that the prices of these transactions are arm's length, meaning that they would be the same if the parties were unrelated. This is important to prevent companies from using related party transactions to shift profits to low-tax jurisdictions.

The Scope of Transfer Pricing

Transfer pricing applies to a wide range of transactions, including:

  • Sales of goods and services

  • Provision of services

  • Licensing of intellectual property

  • Intercompany loans

  • Intercompany royalties

The Methods of Transfer Pricing

There are a number of methods that can be used to determine the arm's length price of a transfer pricing transaction. The most common methods include:

  • Comparability analysis: This method compares the prices of similar transactions between unrelated parties.

  • Cost-plus pricing: This method adds a markup to the cost of producing the goods or services sold.

  • Resale price method: This method calculates the price at which the goods or services are resold by the buyer.

The Role of Transfer Pricing in the Global Economy

Transfer pricing is an increasingly important issue in the global economy. As companies expand their operations across borders, they are increasingly engaged in related party transactions. This makes it more important for companies to understand and comply with transfer pricing rules.


Transfer pricing is a complex and challenging area of tax law. However, it is important for companies to understand and comply with transfer pricing rules to avoid potential penalties and ensure that they are paying their fair share of taxes.

Here are some additional points that could be included in the essay:

  • The importance of transfer pricing documentation

  • The role of transfer pricing in international trade

  • The challenges of enforcing transfer pricing rules

The essay could also be expanded to include specific examples of transfer pricing transactions and how they have been used to shift profits.

移転価格: 概要

移転価格は、関連当事者間の取引の価格設定に対処する複雑かつ進化する税法の領域です。 移転価格の目標は、これらの取引の価格が独立企業間で行われること、つまり当事者が無関係である場合でも価格が同じになることを保証することです。 これは、企業が関連者取引を利用して利益を低税率の管轄区域に移転することを防ぐために重要です。




移転価格取引の独立企業間価格を決定するために使用できる方法は多数あります。 最も一般的な方法は次のとおりです。

比較分析: この方法では、無関係な当事者間の同様の取引の価格を比較します。
コストプラス価格設定: この方法では、販売される商品またはサービスの製造コストにマークアップが追加されます。
再販価格法: この方法では、商品またはサービスが購入者によって再販される価格を計算します。


移転価格は世界経済においてますます重要な問題となっています。 企業が国境を越えて事業を拡大するにつれて、関連当事者との取引が増加しています。 このため、企業にとって移転価格ルールを理解し、遵守することがより重要になっています。


移転価格は税法の複雑かつ困難な分野です。 ただし、企業が潜在的な罰金を回避し、適正な税金を確実に支払うためには、移転価格ルールを理解し、遵守することが重要です。


