

A: Hey, have you read about the combination of inventory management and AI? I just came across an interesting article about it.

B: No, I haven't. What does it say?

A: It talks about how Mahindra USA, the North American tractor manufacturing division of Mahindra & Mahindra, began using Aera Technology's AI solution for supply chain management in 2016. The AI solution is predictive analytics software that uses machine learning to help reduce store inventory and speed delivery of parts to customers.

B: That sounds interesting. What led them to introduce AI?

A: According to the article, Mahindra's product portfolio had grown from the initial 10 to about 55, while the number of distributors had quadrupled since 2011, so they needed a solution to manage their expanding business. They integrated data from various departments within the company, such as operations, finance, business management, and planning, into Aera's platform, and built an AI model using the integrated data.

B: And what were the results?

A: They were able to identify the optimal combination of shipments to reduce costs, and at the same time, the number of months it could take to sell on market terms) has been reduced by as much as 35%.

B: Wow, that's impressive. Did the article mention any other companies using AI for inventory management?

A: Yes, it talks about Lineage Logistics, which provides food refrigeration storage services for restaurants and grocery stores. They use AI for SCM to predict order routes and optimize product placement. Through the use of such AI, Lineage achieved a 20% efficiency improvement in the supply chain, which is huge considering the company delivers 20-30 billion pounds of food annually.

B: That's amazing. Are there any other examples in the article?

A: Yes, Merck, a global pharmaceutical company, is also using AI to automate some steps in its supply chain, such as making decisions about material allocation and product distribution, to make faster planning decisions. The article also mentions Infinera, a manufacturer headquartered in California, which decided to introduce AI into its SCM after its gross margin dropped from 45% to 33% in 2017.

B: That's interesting. How did Infinera use AI?

A: Infinera combined Splice Machine's AI technology with Intrigo Systems' supply chain management technology to give customers and sales associates real-time access to current product availability and delivery dates. The system combines data such as past delivery information, weather information, logistics, and customer feedback, and has AI analyze it to accurately determine the product's estimated delivery date.

B: That sounds like a powerful tool for collaboration within the company and faster decision making.

A: Yes, according to Monte Zweben, the CEO of Splice Machine, "we can now negotiate with our customers based on objective forecasts, rather than based on our own planned inventory levels."
