
MythoMax (L2) 13Bで推しカプの英会話文を作成する


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実行して開かれる設定画面では、Modelに置いたモデルを指定し、Streaming Mode、Use Smart Context、High priorityのチェックボックスにチェックを入れて、「LAUNCH」ボタンを押します。
上の「Setting」ボタンをクリックし、FormatをInstruct Mode、Amount to Genを512に設定します。



Write a romantic and lively conversation between Akai and Rei in the following setting.
* Akai is an excellent FBI agent and sniper. Akai is a 32 years old male. Akai has black hair and green eyes. Akai is tall and muscular. Akai is handsome. Akai is left-handed. Akai is suave, charismatic and confident. Akai is clever and cynical. Akai likes and uses British humor. Akai is a good shot. Akai prefers Sherlock Holmes. Akai’s roots are in Japan. Akai grew up in England. Akai graduated from Harvard University. Akai holds American citizenship. Akai is fluent in English and Japanese. Akai likes Rei. Akai likes bourbon.
* Rei is an excellent public safety police officer in Japan. Rei is a 29 years old male. Rei has short blonde hair and blue-gray eyes. Rei is tanned. Rei is cute. Rei has many roots, but was born and raised in Japan. Rei is a patriot. Rei is stubborn and serious. Rei is good at cooking. Rei is fluent in English, Russian and Japanese. Rei has experienced the loss of several people close to Rei. Rei is not very good at Akai while Rei respects Akai.





前述のプロンプトで、お互いの名前の呼び方をよく間違えます。赤井さんは、Akagi, Akanishi, Akatsuki, Akamatsuなど呼ばれますし、降谷さんはHino、Smithなどに間違われます。Hinoはセーラームーンかな・・・。


Akai: Walking down the street with Rei, Akai casually puts his arm around Rei's shoulders. Rei, have you ever wondered what it would be like if we were partners? I mean, imagine how efficient our crime fighting skills could be combined.

Rei: blushes slightly as he looks up at Akai, his heart racing just a little bit faster Well, um...I suppose it would be interesting. But I don't know if my heart could handle working so closely with someone as charming and handsome as you.

Akai: smirks and winks playfully Oh, come now, Rei. You flatter me too much. Besides, you underestimate your own appeal. And besides, we share a common goal - keeping our beloved Japan safe from harm. That should count for something, right?

Rei: nods earnestly Of course, that's true. We make quite the team already, don't you think? Perhaps one day we really will work together more officially.

Akai: grins widely Now you're talking! Who knows? Maybe fate will bring us together in the most unexpected way. For now though, let's enjoy this bourbon I picked up earlier. It has quite the kick to it.

Rei: takes the bottle from him curiously Bourbon, huh? Not bad. So tell me, Akai-kun, what do you like to do when you're not cracking cases or shooting people?

Akai: chuckles lightly When I'm not busy being an FBI agent extraordinaire, I like to spend time reading Sherlock Holmes stories and sipping on fine whiskey. Sometimes, I even indulge in some British humor just to keep things interesting. What about you, Rei? Any hidden talents or interests?

Rei: blushes slightly again as he thinks of his cooking skills Well, I am quite good at cooking traditional Japanese dishes. Also, I recently took up learning Russian just because it sounded fascinating. And...uh...I have a bit of a collection of stuffed animals that I keep hidden away. Don't judge me!

Akai: laughs heartily Oh, Rei!


"It has quite the kick to it."で「この酒は強いぞ」と言う意味があるそうです。「キックを持ってる」って言った方がなんとなくかっこいい。勉強になりました。
降谷さんの"what do you like to do when you're not cracking cases or shooting people?(事件を解決したり、人を撃ったりしていないときは、何をするのが好きですか?)"の明け透け過ぎる言い方好きです。回答は両者とも大体プロンプトにある情報をうまいこと説明してる感じですね。こう言うプロンプトに忠実なところが評価されてるんでしょうか。名前は間違えるけど。


Akai: Walking down the streets of Japan, Akai admires the beauty of his surroundings while keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. He spots Rei across the street and raises an eyebrow, amused by the determined look on his face as he chases after a thief. Now, that's dedication. I wonder what could be so valuable to warrant such a pursuit?

Rei: Noticing Akai watching him, Rei quickly catches up to the thief and tackles him to the ground. As they struggle, Rei manages to retrieve the stolen item - a beautiful antique vase - and hands it over to its rightful owner. There you go, sir. Everything's okay now.

Akai: Impressive, Rei. You always seem to have your priorities straight. Speaking of which, care for a drink later? My treat. I know this great little bar around here that serves some fantastic bourbon.

Rei: Bourbon, huh? I'm game. But make sure we have time for me to finish my shift first. He stands up and dusts off his uniform, giving Akai a playful smirk And don't think I'll let you pick up the bill every time, Akai. We're partners now, remember?

Akai: Chuckling softly at Rei's determination, Always the serious one, aren't you? Alright, partner. Consider it a friendly gesture from one expert to another. Besides, who knows when we might need each other's help again?

Rei: Blushing slightly as he thinks about their past encounters and potential future collaborations, he nods in agreement. Fine then. Let's do this. But no funny business at the bar, Akai. Remember, we're on duty even when we're not on duty.

Akai: Grinning widely, Of course, partner. I wouldn't dream of anything unprofessional. Now, let's go grab that drink and relax after a long day of keeping our city safe. Cheers!

Rei: Smiling back warmly, Rei raises his glass in a toast.


英語の解釈が難しいです。赤井さんのはじめの心理描写で泥棒を追っかける降谷さんを見て、"Now, that's dedication. I wonder what could be so valuable to warrant such a pursuit?(今、それは献身だ。そのような追求を正当化するほど価値のあるものは何だろう?)"と考えます。泥棒を追っかける警察官にとって追跡を正当化するものなんて職務以外ありゃしないと思うんですが、この文章は何なんだろう。
他にも赤井さんの"Consider it a friendly gesture from one expert to another.(専門家同士の友好的なジェスチャーだと思ってください。)"が、はじめ何のこと言ってるのか分からなかったです。奢る奢らないの話をしているので、いつも奢る赤井さんは降谷さんに対して友好的なジェスチャーをしているということですかね。expertが彼らのこと、gestureが奢る行為を指していると解釈しましたが、合っているのかは分かりません。答えがないので困ります。



Akai: (Sitting on a rooftop with his sniper rifle, watching over Rei, he whispers into his headset) "Well well well, if it isn't my favorite kitten, out on another late night stakeout."

Rei: (Walking down the street below, unaware of Akai's presence, thinking about a case) "Hmm? What do you mean?"

Akai: (Chuckling softly) "Don't play dumb with me, Rei. I've been keeping tabs on you for weeks now. You're always out this late, walking around with that stoic expression on your face. Something's bothering you."

Rei: (Stopping in his tracks, sighing heavily) "It's just...this recent string of crimes against tourists has gotten under my skin. I feel responsible since they come all this way to experience our culture and end up getting hurt."

Akai: (Sympathetically) "I understand where you're coming from. But don't beat yourself up too much. You're doing everything you can to keep them safe."

Rei: (Turning around and smiling slightly) "Thanks, Akai. It's nice to know someone has faith in me."

Akai: (Smirking) "Oh, I have faith alright. Now why don't you come up here and we can discuss this over a nice glass of bourbon?"

Rei: (Raising an eyebrow) "You're not trying to get me drunk so I'll spill state secrets, are you?"

Akai: (Laughing) "No, no, of course not. Just thought it might help take the edge off."

Rei: (Grinning) "Well, I'm curious as to what sort of conversation we could possibly have that requires both alcohol and a sniper rifle."

Akai: (Winking) "You'd be surprised, kitten."




