


Why? Japanese
"Don't accept tips"


The reason why Japanese people don't accept tips is because providing excellent service to customers is considered standard and expected. Rather than using tips to differentiate the level of service or to incentivize better service, the focus is on creating a pleasant and enjoyable experience for customers, hoping they will come back again. If a tip were given, it could lead to complicated income tax calculations and might be associated with throwing money or bribery, potentially creating a hierarchical relationship where everything can be done for money. While some high-end restaurants may charge service fees or table charges, the idea of having individual servers at each table is not common in Japan.
However, it's not just about maintaining a principled and upright image. In Japan, even until a few decades ago, there was a strong emphasis on the phrase "The customer is God" during company morning meetings. Some Japanese people still hold this belief strongly, and there are also customers who act in an overbearing manner or become aggressive complainers. In extreme cases, they can even spread negative rumors that could potentially lead to the downfall of a business.
You may think worker generally paid higher hourly wages in Japan.However, it should be noted that Japan has one of the lowest hourly wages among advanced countries, and businesses often resort to reducing staff, leading to one-person operations to cut costs.

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