
Best Hangover Cures/Remedies For Your Party Nights

What's better than a celebration? If we were to ask, we'd say you will have a clean, fresh start the next day. Nothing more destructive to the fun than the splitting headaches and nausea you feel following a party. However, how do you manage the two extremes of endless parties without a hangover? The answer is easy to follow DT Luna Jaiswal the best dietician in India suggestions and solutions in case of a hangover.

But, before we reveal to you the kitchen secrets which can help you avoid horrible hangovers, we need to know the reasons you suffer from hangovers. If you consume alcohol, the body loses water and triggers headache, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms. Dehydration can cause low blood sugar levels and inflammation within your body, which can make your hangover more severe. If you're thinking about it, the only way to ease hangover symptoms is to drink more water. Drinking water is the best option. , in this article, we will provide you with three different foods to help fight hangover symptoms efficiently.

Home Remedies For Hangover

Coconut Water: Alcohol is a diuretic, and it can dehydrate your body by increasing the frequency of urination. Coconut water is not just a way to rehydrate your body, but it also helps replenish electrolytes that have been lost. That can help you regain your energy following an alcohol-related hangover. Thus, we recommend keeping coconut water in the refrigerator when you plan to have a party.

Bananas: The second tip given by DT Luna Jaiswal the Best dietician in India is in dehydration, the body begins to lose potassium, which is an excellent food source for electrolytes. Because bananas are a great source of potassium and other electrolytes, they are among the most effective remedies for hangovers. They can help restore all the energy that has been lost to your body and help you feel much better after having a hangover. So, if you awake to find yourself suffering from a hangover, you can eat a couple of bananas and consume them.

Lemon water: The old Nimbu Pani is a great remedy for dehydration and hangovers. The Vitamin C contained in lemons does more than help rehydrate your body but assists in eliminating harmful liver toxins. Also, it helps you feel energized and relaxed following a night of drinking. You can create Nimbu Pani by squeezing half one lemon or adding 4 lemon slices into 1 glass of water. To enhance the flavor of the morning drink, You can also mix the water with the benefits of Pudina and mint leaves and some rock salt.

Tip from “Addlife” by Luna Jaiswal the dietician in Lucknow, India:
What's more important than curing hangovers is to prevent them from happening! You get hangovers because your body is dehydrated in the wake of drinking. Therefore, starting now, it is recommended to drink a glass of water at the end of 2 drinks. If you stay hydrated at parties, you'll reduce the likelihood of having hangovers.

Drinking water after two drinks will keep your hangovers from getting out of hand!
