
"Be who you are" When I was young…


"Be who you are" When I was younger and more vulnerable years, these words have always ruminated in my mind.


  • I wat born to hurt you

    the Home

  • それを恋と呼ばずして何と呼ぼう

    selected poems #1


Together Forever

When I see you, I feel alive. My heart is beating fast. I know that we are meant to be, Together forever at last. But sometimes I feel so sad. When I think of what could be, I wonder if you feel the same Or if you're just not meant f

    • Hyappy

      If you want to be happy, Sing "I want to be hyappy." Shining ray is always through the gap of deviation. ────────────────────── しあわせになりたいならば 「しやわせになりたい」と歌おう。 まばゆい光はいつだって、そういうズレた隙間に差し込んでるから─。

      • should somehow

        After all, she is always two or three more than we think and today she dressed up as Jason. Only she could do that. It's a humor that only she can bring to the table.

        • Only, Lonely.

          We easily connect stars to stars with lines, but the distances are endless. Stars probably think they're lonely, But that's the way it is. They must be Only, Lonely. Everyone is Only, Lonely,

        Together Forever


        • I wat born to hurt you
        • それを恋と呼ばずして何と呼ぼう


          A sound that is too loud turns into a pleasant sound after a certain point. That's how it is with habituation.

          A sound that is too loud turns into a pleasant sound after a certain point. That's how it is with habituation.


          My loved ones tell me she prefer baseball to soccer. That kind of thing is a small happiness. Happiness is just that.

          I am having a very strange experience right now.

          Strange, right? The person I still love with all my heart and passion is still the same person she was in middle school in my mind, and I've never "Seen" her since then. And yet, I love her so much. yeah, too Strange.

          I am having a very strange experience right now.

          「甲本ヒロト 名言」と調べた少年が、本当の「ロック」にたどり着く日は来るのだろうか

          「甲本ヒロト 名言」と調べた少年が、本当の「ロック」にたどり着く日は来るのだろうか

          Love Letter in the Rain

          You are like a cat in the rain, never saying much, so one day you will disappear without saying anything. I sit at my desk in the rain and write a letter to you. Without knowing that you are sheltering from the rain under the desk. ──

          Love Letter in the Rain

          Goooood Morning

          Good morning. My favorite person is beautiful today. At night, my mind is full of you, and when I fall asleep, all my feelings about you are released at once in my dreams. Then morning comes again. Good morning. My favorite person is

          Goooood Morning


          君と花火を見るにはうってつけの場所だった。 景色を遮るものはない。花火が上がってから消えるまでの全ての瞬間を見逃すことなどできないほどに。 あぁ、どうか、儚く消えないで。 君と花火を見るには不相応な場所だった。 声を遮るものはない。君が私の言葉の一語一句の全てを聞き逃すことなどできないほどに。 あぁ、どうか、かき消されていて。 ここから見る花火は、いとも容易く弾けるシャボン玉のよう。 また、弾けた。 私の心も同時に、弾けた。


          Bastard Orange

          Bastards have bad dreams. If only the words of an idea had power as it is. Bastards try to live in his dreams. If only this were the real world. Bastard cries out for love in the center of his dreams I'm glad I've loved you. Bastard has

          Bastard Orange


          残忍だった。 君は僕に「夏が終わってしまうね」と寂しそうに言ったけど、その言葉の本意を理解できない僕は、ただぶっきらぼうに、「またすぐやってくるよ」 君は僕より先に歩道橋の階段を降りて行った。 その時の間ほど残忍なものはなかった。 切断された四肢のそれぞれの先から蛆虫が体の中心へと向かって食い破って進んでくる感覚が僕の体じゅうを走っていた。 「もう来ないのよ」 「そう、来なくていいの」 「夏も、あなたも、もう」 その日は妙に涼しかった。 #忘れられない恋物語

          Regret is like a bone

          It wasn't that time passed too fast, it was that I walked too fast. I loved you so much, and I was so cool about it, describing it in words of no stature, but he never took a step forward from there. This is probably the biggest regret I

          Regret is like a bone

          Lack of Luck

          Life consists 100% of luck, but within that luck there is only "best luck," "good luck," and "so-so luck." I don't consider it "the best luck" that I got to know her. I am the one who wishes that we had known each other for a long time.


          いつもの夏にまだ溶け込めない夏。 妙な静けさ、あぁ、少年たちはどこへ行った。 いつもの夏にまだなれない夏。 揺れるアスファルト、はて、君はまだ来ない。 見知らぬ夏になりすぎた夏。 白い灼熱の奥に隠された素顔、さぁ、冷たいキスをしよう。 いつもの君にもうなれない君。 いつもの夏はいつかの君。 #みんなでつくる夏アルバム
