小学校教師自殺、生徒教師暴力に関する意見(Opinion on the suicide of elementary school teacher and violence against teacher by student)

発育が良くなった小学校6年生の男子生徒は、体と力で女子教師を圧倒する。 そのため、小学生が女性教師に暴行を加えた時、大人が小学生にやられることに説得力がある。
過去の学生たちの人権は悲惨だった。 殴打は日常茶飯事で、甚だしくは女子生徒たちも多くの生徒たちの前でビンタされ、人権を黙殺されるのが普通だった。
このような旧態をなくすのに一助したのが学生人権条例だ。 このような純機能を無視する行為は絶対容認できない。 一部の生徒の問題は条例を責めるのではなく、学校の行政システム、教育部の教育システム、保護者の家庭教育システムなど多様な要素が連結されて起きる問題点だ。 単に条例のせいにするには理性的な判断ではない。
また、小学校教師の自殺もやはり上記で言及された3つのシステムの欠如があったのではないかと考慮してみなければならない。 特に正確には明らかになっていないが、自殺理由が保護者の強圧が大きな要因だという同僚教師たちの証言を土台にすれば、生徒の暴力、教師の自殺とも保護者の責任も避けられない要素だ。
このような問題点は、教育界だけで起きる事件ではない。 政界でも法曹界でも経済界でも社会面でも権力層が特恵と庇護を受ける社会現象が続いている。
一般の小市民は相対的剥奪感を感じながら生きている。 できるだけこのような特恵と庇護がなくなる社会が先進民主化社会だ。 残念ながら東アジアの韓国、日本、中国が経済面ですごく発展を成し遂げたが、民主化指数は依然として欧州、北米、オセアニア先進国に比べれば劣る点を感じる。

Recently, South Korea has been dominating major news headlines due to the suicides of elementary school teacher and incident of violence against female teacher by elementary school student. The physical development of some 6th-grade male students has led to overpowering their female teachers in terms of size and strength. This has made it convincing to argue that when elementary students resort to violence against female teachers, adults might face similar treatment from these students.
The problem lies in the "Student Human Rights Ordinance" promoted by progressive education authorities, which many believe has significant issues. There are concerns that the ordinance amendments and the tendency to ignore the rights of all students might be driven not only by a desire to address certain students' deviant behaviors but also to attack progressive ideologies or hinder the positive aspects of the ordinance.
In the past, students' rights were dismal. Physical punishment was widespread, and even female students often endured physical abuse, including slapping, while their rights were ignored in front of many other students. The "Student Human Rights Ordinance" aimed to eliminate such situations. Disregarding the positive aspects of this ordinance is unacceptable. The issues with some students cannot simply be blamed on the ordinance itself; rather, they result from various interconnected factors such as the school's administrative system, the education system of the Ministry of Education, and parents' educational practices at home. Blaming the ordinance alone is not a rational judgment.
Furthermore, the suicide of an elementary school teacher should also be considered in light of the deficiencies in the aforementioned systems. If we rely on the testimony of fellow teachers suggesting that parental pressure was a significant factor leading to suicide, then both student violence and the teacher's suicide are inevitably linked to the responsibility of parents.
Especially, the misguided mindset of some affluent and influential parents can weaken both the authority of teachers and the rights of students. These problems are not limited to the education sector but extend to incidents in the political, legal, economic, and social realms, where the powerful continue to receive privileges and protection.
Ordinary citizens are living with a sense of relative deprivation. An ideal society is one where such privileges and protection gradually disappear, but unfortunately, it seems that the existing power cartel is becoming more entrenched. It is regrettable that while East Asian countries like South Korea, Japan, and China have achieved significant economic progress, their levels of democratic development still lag behind those of advanced societies in Europe, North America, and Oceania.
We continue to hope for progress and the eventual elimination of privileges and protection, but it is disheartening to see that the power cartel appears to be growing stronger and more resilient.(Q's hope)
