
実は典型的薩摩隼人じゃない? Koito is NOT a typical Satsuma Hayato


He speaks with Satsuma dialect and uses Satsuma-Jigenryu.
But, he and his family in NOT typical Satsuma Hayato.

Typical Satsuma Hayato are disciplined. But, Koito does not know how to work as a team. He wanders off from his mates. Also he often ignores Tsukisima’s order and advices. I don’t think he’s stupid or selfish, but he has something different.

Heiji respects his wife. Yuki sat on a luxious sofa. Satsuma Hayato’s society is extremely male‐dominated.

Heiji could refuse his wife even she was worried about his son.
Tsurumi’s slap was the first physical punishment for Koito. Typical Satsuma Hayato of Meiji era won’t reject physicaly punishment.
But, I can’t believe Koito’s words.

Koito tend to misunderstanding others feelings. His family loves him sincerely. His hair is too long as an Imperial Army officer. Compared with Yusaku’s hair. Typical Satsuma Hayato’s fashion is simple. Koito’s fashion is too glamorous. Sometimes Koito speaks and giggles like a girl. So strange! Satsuma Hayato dislike act like a girl.

Koito is unique and difficult to understand.

