
Avatar documentary video project shot in VR space: "Happy Re-Birthday" introduction


"I am, we are 'living' in this world..."

This work is a documentary project shot in VR space from June 2020.
"Avatar and VTuber's way of life" is recorded in this video.
The video is also stored in blockchain technology as proof of their lives.

The final version of this video will be specially shown at the "Ogaki Mini Maker Faire 2020" in Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture, 12/5(Sat) and 12/6(Sun).

スクリーンショット 2020-11-29 23.55.03

References :

Concept :
I want to preserve the living proof of "Avatar," which is ephemeral due to the nature of the Internet, in a cohesive form

Overview :
What is documented in this project is "Avatar and VTuber's way of life".
We have been following their joys and pains from various perspectives including visual anthropology, physical theory, and bioethics. This work has been well received by the xR community and others, and we believe it is significant for the future of the Avatar society.

スクリーンショット 2020-11-29 23.55.14

About the work :
This project is a documentary film that preserves the living proof of avatars and VTubers.
Due to the nature of the internet, once a avatars and VTuber has retired or disappeared, nothing is left behind. We think it is very scary to think of it as equivalent to death in physical reality.




What is the "death" of VTuber and avatars?
Can they be said to be "alive"?
Can AI make them eternal if they are physically dead?
It aroused the question of bioethics about existence.
Therefore, I wanted to preserve the brilliance of life and the living proof of Avatar and VTuber, which are important "living beings", rather than ephemeral consumer products, from the perspective of visual anthropology.

スクリーンショット 2020-11-30 0.03.02

This work is stored at universities and other institutions. In other words, the living proof of the Avatars and VTubers will remain in public institutions. In the same way that living proofs of people from the past remain in museums and art galleries, living proofs of Avatar and VTuber remain in public institutions.
When we realized this, we hurriedly recruited performers.

Shooting method :
We filmed in VRSNS "VRChat" and "VirtualCast" using the cameras of each service.
By filming the video message in the VRSNS space where they actually spend their time, you can feel the proof that "they are (or were) alive here".
We also asked the actors to record the following.

・Your history as a VTuber and avatar, such as how you were born, how you've spent your life and what you thought about it.


・Message to your loved ones



・Message to those in the world who do not know the virtual world




External evaluation :

It was first presented at a French conference and evaluated as follows.
・I was very moved
・I was able to reconfirm the meaning of living as "virtual being" myself
・It makes my heart warm
It was also published in VR media "PANORA" and others.
