
NASA Perserverance rover



Saturday, February 20th 2021

Mars landing: Photo shows Perseverance about to touch down


The American space agency has released an astonishing image sent back from Mars by its Perseverance rover.

アメリカの宇宙局はPerseverance roverが火星から送ってきた驚きの写真を公開した。

It shows the robot heading down to the ground on Thursday to make its landing. It was acquired by the rocket cradle that placed the vehicle on the surface.


Perseverance has a large amount of data in its memory banks which it is gradually offloading to Earth.


Among other pictures is a view from a satellite that captures the rover in the parachute phase of its descent.




Friday, February 19th 2021

Perseverance rover has successfully landed on Mars and sent back its first images


(CNN)The NASA Perseverance rover safely landed on Mars after its 292.5 million-mile journey from Earth, the agency confirmed at 3:55 p.m. ET Thursday. The rover landed itself flawlessly, according to the mission's team.

NASAは3:55p.m(東部時間)にNASAのPerseverance探査機は地球から292.5 マイルの旅を経て、火星着陸に成功したと公表した。任務のチームによると、探査機は完璧に着陸した。

"Percy," as the spacecraft is affectionately called at mission control, sent back its first images of the landing site immediately after touchdown, which shows the rover's shadow on the surface of its landing site of Jezero Crater.


The rover has been on a nearly 300 million-mile journey since it left Earth more than 6 months ago. Perseverance and her teams lived up to the namesake, overcoming the challenges of preparing for the journey's final stages during a pandemic.

探査機は6ヶ月前地球を飛び立った時から、3億マイルもの旅を過ごした。 Perseveranceと彼女(Perseverance)は名前の通りパンデミックの間旅の最終準備をするという挑戦を乗り越えた。
