







Dysphagia Made Simple ⑩training edition

In this issue, we will discuss throat training methods. For those who have difficulty closing the glottis and are at risk for aspiration, we have listed training mainly for closing the glottis. The training methods listed below are relatively easy to implement, so please try the methods that are appropriate for your patients 🫡.

1) Pushing/Pulling exercise

This training strengthens the internal rotation of the vocal cords and prevents aspiration by pushing against a wall or pulling on an armrest while vocalizing strongly. Excessive use of this exercise may damage the vocal cords, so if possible, it is recommended to confirm that the correct exercise is being performed by endoscopy.

(2) Cough training

This is a training to expel pharyngeal residues and aspirated material. After having the patient inhale as deeply as possible, ask the patient to cough strongly. During coughing, pressure is applied to the lower ribs and abdominal muscle groups as needed.

In this article, we have introduced some simple throat exercises that can be done easily. Since these exercises are closely related to breathing, we recommend that you do them in consultation with a physical therapist 😊.
