
T きっかけは、Helen。 - Helen was the catalyst.

English below.




映画「ザ・トゥルー・コスト ファストファッション 真の代償」は、彼女からの勧めだ。




人としての “やさしさ” まで学んだように思う。

そんな背景もあって、わたし自身出産を経てみたら、”こどもの未来” を自然に考えるようになっていた。




こどもも大人も楽しめるデザインや仕掛けによって、赤ちゃんの成長に寄り添いながら、未来と地球環境を思いやる “きっかけ” となるブランドを目指している。

Helen のように人を尊重して、楽しい身近なエコアクションを届けていきたい。

赤毛の Helen にそっくりな古着屋スタッフと、横たわるねこ in London

最後に、池 辰彦さんの note をご紹介。

いつか池 辰彦さんの記事に取り上げられることを目標に、”やさしさ” 生まれのビジネスを展開させていく。

Meet different, Find #Trigger .

✂︎ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Meeting Helen, a vegan English teacher, completely transformed my lifestyle and values from being a fashion enthusiast to someone who cares deeply about the environment. We discuss the differences between England and Japan, personal relationships, our beliefs, and share delicious vegan recipes. She recommended the documentary "The True Cost: The Price of Fast Fashion," which opened my eyes to the emotions animals experience, something I had never thought about before. What I appreciate most about Helen is that she never imposes her vegan or animal rights beliefs on others; she respects different values. I feel like I've learned kindness as a person through her.

This background, coupled with becoming a parent, made me naturally start thinking about the future of our children and the planet. I had a vague sense of concern about the increasing danger of heat when our children grow up. I thought, "The future of children who will live from now on must be bright, but I also want to enjoy clothes that color our daily lives!"

Ideas for practical yet enjoyable items started popping up, like rompers that transform into T-shirts when cut with scissors and gift boxes that quickly become height charts.

My goal is to create a brand that embraces the growth of babies while considering the future and the environment, all through designs and features that both children and adults can enjoy.

I want to respect people like Helen and deliver enjoyable eco-actions to everyone.

Main image: A vintage shop staff member resembling red-haired Helen, along with a lying cat in London.

Lastly, I'd like to introduce an article by Tatsuhiko Ike. It's full of business insights.

My goal is to develop a business born from kindness and aim to be featured in Tatsuhiko Ike's articles someday.
