

編成/三味線独奏と7人の奏者 (fl/afl, cl/bcl, perc, pf, vn, va, vc)

English title: figure and ground, image and margin, obverse and reverse
Year of composition: 2018
Instrumentation: solo shamisen and 7 musicians (fl/afl, cl/bcl, perc, pf, vn, va, vc)
Duration: approximately 13 minutes
Commissioned by and for Ensemble Modern and Hidejiro Honjoh


 《柄と地、絵と余白、あるいは表と裏》は、二〇一八年十月にフランクフルトにて、本條秀慈郎氏の独奏と、馬場武蔵氏の指揮、そして、アンサンブル・モデルンにより世界初演された。二〇一九年七月に開催した「影も溜らず — 淡座リサイタルシリーズVol.1 桑原ゆう個展」で、日本初演と相成った。

Composer's note

 The relationship between an image and a margin shifts with the transition of time. If you see it from a different perspective, a margin can be said to support the image on the backside.
 Think about these "simultaneous moments" where a margin supports an image, and an image supports a margin. Penetrating the boundaries and gaps of things and capturing the "simultaneous moments" with multiple eyes. I learned how to look at things from the director Hiromi Tamura while working on Shomyo pieces.
 The solo shamisen part is regarded as a mountain range. The ensemble part becomes a distant view of the sky beyond, showing the mountain range in relief. Depending on the time, the mountains disappear into the sky and become one with the darkness. Then, our eyes get attracted to the twinkling stars and the city lights of the houses…; in other words, the ensemble will have the upper hand. In this Shamisen Concerto, I attempted to re-examine the relationship between a solo part and an ensemble based on the interplay between figure and ground, image and margin, or obverse and reverse.
 Another idea in my mind was that the ensemble would color or amplify the lingering sound of the shamisen or emphasize the shamisen's musical gestures. Therefore, the ensemble was treated as if it were the effector of the shamisen. The vibrations transmitted to the air from the shamisen strings would be interpreted directly as the ensemble's sound.

日本の作曲 2010-2019(サントリー芸術財団出版)に選評

Audio Release

Recording (excerpt)

Performance history
(As of 17 August 2022)

10 October 2018 - world premiere
Checkpoint Hidejiro Honjoh
Dachsaal, Haus der Deutschen Ensemble Akademie, Schwedlerstraße 2, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Hidejiro Honjoh, solo shamisen
Musashi Baba, conductor|Ensemble Modern

2019年7月13日 - 部分的に演奏
桑原ゆう個展プレイベント — 自作語りとミニライブ

2019年7月13日 - 日本初演
影も溜らず — 淡座リサイタルシリーズVol.1 桑原ゆう個展
@東京オペラシティ リサイタルホール(東京都新宿区西新宿3-20-2 東京オペラシティタワーB1F)
